Lifespan & Breeding

The following values are representative of Standard Wyngrew, and some life stage aspects may vary depending upon subspecies. Be sure to look at individual subspecies pages if you want to know if a subspecies had a different developmental timeline or aging rate.
Growth rates can also vary among individual Wyngrew! Especially when Wynglings begin to hit their “growth spurt” and their body tries to quickly reach the equilibrium of a quad or biped stance.
This page goes over all topics of growth, breeding, and lore-related topics. Click here for breeding mechanics!

Wyngrew are "monotreme", meaning they are mammals that lay eggs and nurse their young.
(In real life, the only creatures that do this are the platypus and four species of echidnas)
Wyngrew are individuals, much like us, so courtship depends a lot on the pair of gros in question. Although there are very distinctive differences between the bipedal and quad varieties. Quads and bipeds tend to live very different lives, so it’s not as usual for them to pair up.
Wyngrew “parts” are basically hidden in appearance on the body until mating is of interest, so there's no need to draw any genitals on them.
Wyngro genitals do exist, but are left out of this guide for sake of a PG rating
Social Customs
Wyngrew are loving creatures with a strong passion for partnership, and finding the right mate can be a lifelong goal.
Many females just want to be mothers with no desire for a life partner, so they select mates in terms of physical qualities to get the most desirable genes and traits. Every town has different customs, however. While it may be acceptable to have multiple partners in one town, another may be completely monogamous. Likewise, it may be acceptable to sell eggs to vendors when not wanted, while others (like Wynsiph) are more focused on hatcheries and caring for unwanted eggs.
The “Snoot Boop”
The most common form of affection in Wyngro society is the snoot boop! This is the act of
two Wyngrew rubbing their noses together, or just squishing their noses together.
In society, each town may be different with this custom and what is acceptable. For instance, in one town, it may be acceptable to just snoot boop a friendly stranger on the street as a "thank you"! While in another, it would be considered way too personal.
In Wynsiph: (the starting town) The snoot boop is mostly reserved for loved ones or very close family, and not done with friends, for example.
While Wyngrew can kiss as well, snoot boops are the common, default show of affection. (It's also just a bit easier to draw!)

Magic & Maturity
Wyngrew seem to use an unknown magic during mating, as Wyngrew who have the "banishment" are 100% sterile. (See more on this here) Once a Wyngro reaches sexual maturity, (baby spot has completely disappeared for most Wyngrew) they can produce young as long as they can still use magic. Most Wyngro can use magic up until they die of old age or get too weak.
Because of this, Wyngro families can be quite large, as they can have many eggs in their lifetime.
The ‘white’ coloration of magic glands glowing has been studied but never fully understood. (Most commonly seen in breeding) Many binding spells that result in mixing the magic of two Wyngrew in some way will result in this color glow. This type of magic is usually only possible when at least two Wyngrew are involved.
Gestation & Egg Hatching
Gestation: 3-5 months
Wyngro females can breed any time of the year. They develop a single egg and carry it inside of them for approximately 3-5 months. During this time, they develop a single pouch! The pouch is higher up on the stomach, so they can be mobile while keeping it safe and warm. Because the pouch is always right against her heart, it's believed to be the first bonding factor between a mother and her egg.
Incubation: 4-8 Months
The embryo develops within the egg until the Wyngling is ready to hatch. This can vary rather wildly from egg to egg, depending on the environment and care.

This has a lot to do with a survival instinct in which the egg is less likely to hatch when kept cold and away from a proper nesting environment. Mothers that keep their eggs warm in their pouch and close to them as often as possible will more often hatch their young within a 4-month timespan or less. An egg that is well cared for and not hatching within that time period may be a cause of concern.
Eggs that are being handled, traded, and traveling through harsher conditions seem to go through somewhat of a stasis, growing very slowly in order to stay safe inside the shell until it’s safer. This is often why egg traders keep the eggs purposely cold and avoid handling them until a buyer is confirmed.
Males vary in the degree of the parenting role. Some are loving dads the whole way through, while others have no desire to raise children and only breed for pleasure or to pass on genes. Some are in-between and don’t care for raising children, but will provide for their family with work or hunting.

Newborn: 7-11 Months Post-Hatch
Baby Wyngrew hatching from their eggs are born with eyes and ears open, ready to crawl around and explore. They will still travel in their mother’s pouch for the first few months or so as they nurse. A single teet is hidden on the inside of the pouch during this time.
After that, the mother’s pouch will start to disappear, but Wynglings who feed longer can sometimes prolong it. It seems linked to when the mother starts weaning off their baby from milk.
Wynglings not raised by their blood-related mothers must obviously be bottle-fed.

Toddler: 1-2 years
Toddlers are able to start talking! They will usually babble mindlessly and copy those around them in order to begin communicating.
This age is also able to get into a good steady run and begin climbing, using their paws and claws to figure things out, and get into all sorts of shenanigans. They are still quite ‘babyish’ in that they don’t understand right from wrong, or comprehend anything complicated.
This is the spongiest time to soak up all sorts of things in terms of learning.

Child: 2 - 6 Years
Young Wynglings that can run and play and learn about their environment! The most commonly seen form of “young” Wyngrew, and definition of a ‘Wyngling’.
Throughout their childhood, they will begin schooling, learning the basics: reading, writing, etiquette, history and magic safety. Wynglings are not taught HOW to use magic until their baby spot is completely gone.
Juvenile: 6 - 10 years
The very beginnings of what form they may take in adulthood only just begin to show at this stage. A Wyngling will either remain more comfortable on all fours, or begin the first signs of “toddling” around on their back legs. Their front or back legs will begin to grow rapidly, and their baby spot will begin to fade.
Juveniles are still using all four legs to walk around, but they do begin to form their extra toes! These grow in as a new pinky, and start out small until they hit their next stage.

Pre-Teen: 8-13 Years
The “growth spurt” stage! This is often referred to as "sprouting" and happens very quickly, despite the fact that when it happens depends wildly on the individual.
It can certainly cause a lot of drama between friend groups, as some Wyngrew will have their full adult legs, while their friends who hatched near the same time are still small potatoes.
Growing bipeds will often begin to get terrible back and neck pains if they refuse to start standing upright and balancing on their back feet.
Teenager: 14 - 18 Years
By this age, a Wyngro has lost their baby spot completely, and is considered a sexually mature adult, even if their body still had a bit of “filling out” to do.
At this age, most Wyngrew begin learning magic and acquire jobs to begin supporting themselves. It’s very common for Wyngrew of this age to drop off eggs at their local hatcheries, as while they are sexually mature, most do not have the financial means to support a family at this point in their lives.
Don't let the lack of a baby spot fool you though-- this age is prime for immaturity and troublemaking.

Adult: 20 Years+
Once Wyngrew reach their adult stage, they can stay in prime condition for the majority of the rest of their life.
It’s theorized a Wyngro’s lifespan is directly correlated to their natural magic levels, as those unfortunate enough to be born a bright or shadow rarely live to be over 40 years old if they do not grow out of their disease. While renowned magic practitioners are rumored to live well past 100. Generally, the average lifespan for an average Wyngro is 80-120.
Middle Aged: 35 Years+
Wyngrew of this age are often leaders of their communities and have stepped into roles that will suit them for the rest of their lives. They are out of the ‘figuring themselves out’ stage and are more mature and wise to what life will throw at them.
A common sign of aging is the hard ridges that grow out of elbows, sometimes more than one! Many veterans are also pros at their preferred magic and are teachers in their own rights.

Elder: 70+ Years
Wyngrew who have lived a long time tend to be hearty and strong (especially in the magical arts) up until their final days. Around this age range, Wyngrew generally cease procreation due to body fragility and focus more on doting on grandchildren by this point.
Typically, if an older Wyngro ages well past their prime and suddenly finds themselves feeling weaker, it’s a sign that they’re soon to pass on. Death can occur as soon as a week after an elder takes a turn for the worst, or even happen suddenly with little to no prior symptoms, like a candle blown out by the wind.
Elders are well respected in most communities, as they have a lot of wisdom (and perhaps magic!) to share with the next generation.

Magic & Adoption/Selling of Eggs
An unknown magic is used in Wyngro mating that results in an egg being produced every time a male and a female are bred together. Because of this, some females unfortunately do not desire children and will give their eggs away or even sell them. This is why many Wyngrew do not live with their biological parents.
Some members of Wyngrew society will frown upon those with multiple partners, or unfaithfulness, or not caring for their young, but it is not as controversial in many towns. Wyngrew as a society love increasing their numbers to expand, so any baby, raised by its mother or not, will have a place. Wyngro mothers selling their eggs must be very careful to avoid prices “too good to be true”, however, as some buyers have been known to EAT the eggs in some species and cultures.

Almost every town with a large population will have what is called a “Hatchery”, which hosts both a place for eggs to hatch, and Wynglings to stay.
These are usually built with many stories containing bunked rooms like a dorm, so there's as much room as possible. Hatcheries are a great place for infants to be nursed, grow, and be schooled.
This isn’t considered an “orphanage” so to speak. Sometimes Wynglings will be adopted by adults, but more often they will spend their youth at a growth center until they are mature enough to find housing elsewhere. This is a very popular spot to drop off unwanted eggs.
You can learn more about Wynsiph's hatchery, "The Nook" here!
ALL MYO Wyngro are essentially unwanted eggs that grew up in “The Nook”. If you want to give your Wyngro more of a past, with parents and such, you may. But this acts as a default for your Wyngro to grow up in.
Early Education
Early education on the subjects of eggs & breeding depends deeply on the kind of town and what role models it had for Wynglings, especially within hatchery walls.
Wynsiph specifically starts education on this subject very early, explaining body anatomy, sex, eggs, responsibilities, etc.
Alice, (Alma's oldest daughter) specifically teaches Wynglings in all subjects, including breeding.
It's very unlikely that a grown Wyngling would not be educated in this subject, since the town is very mindful of education and understanding the basics.
However, many towns put the idea of complete abstinence in the heads of young gros instead, promoting a more 'hushed' environment about the subject. This kind of education (or lack thereof) usually results in smaller towns, or ones that are more regulated by kingdom officials.
Population Control
The magic in the world is a strange and unpredictable thing. Magic seems to be connected to the world, and wyngrew with that magic. Because they rely on their magic to reproduce, any disturbance in this magic will result in wyngrew not able to breed.
Many recorded notes in history tell of times that were difficult for wyngrew to reproduce, and how treasured eggs were at this time. This is especially true to the near extinction of the “Imperial” Wyngro subspecies. A race of desert Wyngrew who completely relied on magic before they were all but lost.
Perhaps this is how the world controls the population of its magic species? Many theories have been pondered on this topic.
Rare Breeding Occurances

Twins & Triplets
While Wyngrew normally have a single egg, double eggs can happen every so often! Even rarer are three eggs produced with one breeding, but this is extremely rare. (And often dreaded by the poor mother)
Twins can either be fraternal or identical when hatched, as well as triplets. One does not seem to be rarer than the other.
There doesn't seem to be any genetic correlation with this anomaly, although many have speculated this.
Double Yolk Egg
Even rarer than twins and triplets, is the "double yolk" egg, which results in two Wyngling bodies sharing an egg.
This usually results in one Wyngling being born too immature and dying before the egg hatches.
On the rare occasion the second Wyngling does survive, it's likely to be very sickly for a long time. (Sometimes its whole life)
Because so few have ever been created, not a lot of info has been documented on this rare anomaly.

Brights & Shadows
Brights and shadows are named for an illness that affects them at birth, causing unusual color alteration, along with missing ears for shadows or tails for brights.
The most pronounced sign of both Brights and Shadows, is the accompaniment of the illness known as "manafew".
Manafew is a rare genetic disorder that causes the effected Wyngro to not be able to use much magic, if at all, during their lifetime. This results in them being very sickly and prone to a whole host of other problems while young.
Those that survive to adulthood can grow into healthier color complexions and even outgrow their manafew illness, becoming normal adults.
(Mechanic-wise, it's up to you to decide the direction of your Wyngro's story!)
Because this is a genetic disorder, many gros of very pale or dark coloration, missing tails or ears may be suspected of having manafew, and thus not desirable to breed with.
Born without tails.
Born with baby spots darker than the base color.
Born with an unusually light coat, regardless of the parent's/grandparent's colors.
Born with the Manafew disease.
Born with only 1 Secondary Color.
Born without ears.
Born with baby spots just slightly lighter than the base color.
Born with an unusually dark coat, regardless of the parent's/grandparent's colors.
Born with the Manafew disease.
Born with only 1 Secondary Color.

Magic Quirks
Sometimes, when a Wyngling has at least one parent well-practiced in performing magic, they can be born with what is known as a “magic quirk”! Magic quirks are small manifestations of magic that a Wyngling cannot really control, commonly triggered by a specific strong emotion. These quirks can be funny or sometimes a little dangerous, depending on which element the Wyngling inherits!
When a bred baby is given a magic quirk, you cannot change what element/ability they are born with. However, if you are not happy with the emotion/trigger for the magic given, you are welcome to use another for your character. Just keep in mind the general rule that Wynglings do not have control over their magic quirk: it’s a result of a strong emotional reaction!
Magic quirks also give standard Wynglings a little bonus when learning magic independently! Learn more on our magic page HERE!
Subspecies Breeding
Imps are a subspecies of wyngro that once nearly went extinct. You can read more about them here!
In order to keep their rarity, Imps have special facts and rules applied to them when breeding:

Imp eggs are easily identifiable by their armor covering!
Imps can only be put through a breeding once every 4 months.
Imp / Imp breedings will likely produce no eggs at all. (Due to the small gene pool existing.) If no egg is rolled, your breeding ticket is refunded, but your Imp still has a 4 month cooldown.
Imp / Imp breedings are known to sometimes produce a standard, due to being bred with them throughout the years.
Imp / Standard will always produce an egg. The cooldown time for Imps always applies.
Imp / Standard has a low chance to produce a pure Imp.
Imp / Standard that produces a standard Wyngro may have a chance of gaining Imp traits, such as arm armor, a mohawk, etc!
A standard can never inherit the long neck/body or the iconic mammalian nose/nose armor.
2nd Gen (Bred) Imps will only yield one pure imp in its lifetime.
3rd gen Imps are infertile. (Meaning they cannot breed)
Quills are a subspecies of Wyngro that resemble birds. You can read more about them here!
Here are some interesting facts about Quill eggs and breedings:

Quill eggs are noticeably lighter in weight!
Quill genetics are so embedded into society, that a pure Quill can be bred from two standards! (If they have enough visible Quill genes!)
Quills are born without baby spots! (Their entire shell is a baby spot!)
Quill / Quill breedings will always produce a pure Quill.
Because of their lightweight, Wyngrew often claim Quill eggs are extra fragile. Although technically they have the same shell hardness as other eggs.
Finns are a subspecies of wyngro that resemble fish. You can read more about them here!
Here are some interesting facts about Finn eggs and breedings:

Finn eggs have a somewhat 'wet' feel to them, making them very slippery to the touch!
Finn genetics are so embedded into society, that a pure Finn can be bred from two standards! (If they have enough visible Finn genes!)
Finn eggs are usually hatched underwater, as their gills tend to be the first function they use when born. A Finn that hatches above land can sometimes die if their body cannot figure out their lungs quickly enough.
Finn / Finn breedings will always produce a pure Finn.
Gorges are a giant breed of Wyngro that are known for their spiky skin and steam vents. You can read more about them here!
Here are some interesting facts about Gorge eggs and breedings:

Gorge eggs are much larger than standard eggs, and have a bumpy surface to them. They are also much harder.
Gorge eggs have a much longer incubation period.
Gorge eggs explode open when they hatch! (beware!)
Only female Gorges can breed with other subspecies or standards.
Gorge/standard will more likely produce a standard.
Want to learn more about Breeding Mechanics?
Click here for learning how to breed your own wyngrew, how to approve them, and all the mechanics involved!