Gorge Wyngrew
Gorges are the giants of the wyngro world, known for their love of fire and spiky appearance. They thrive in hotter climates like deserts and volcanoes, but they can also endure extreme cold as well. This is thanks to their steam vents that help to regulate extreme temperatures.
Gorges are a culture of great craftsmanship and take pride in their eye for detail and the quality of the products they make. While the majority are jewelers or blacksmiths, many take on other trades as well. A gorge will typically specialize in one craft and will spend most of their life trying to hone their skills to master that ability.
Personality-wise, gorges are typically rougher around the edges- very blunt, honest, and hard-working. Their work is everything to them, and contributing to society in a meaningful way is what fulfills them.

Gorge Anatomy: (Wyngling)
Below is a list of defining features unique to the gorge subspecies that are all needed to identify a "pure" gorge from a standard.
Gorge Brows
Vent spikes (at least one on each shoulder)
A squared snout with special mouth spikes
Almost twice the size of standards
Quad based species (with bipeds appearing rarely through mixed breeding)
Other less important traits:
No fur or feathers
No wings
Front feet are almost always clawed
Gorge Anatomy: (Adult)

Pictured the left are the different variations on adult gorges:
Forward Facing
Back Facing
Tusk Notch (large mouth spike facing up)
Fang Notch (large mouth spike facing down)
Quad (common)
Biped (rare)
Clawed fronts, pawed backs
Pure claws
Gorge Brows & the Different Stages
Giggle Brow: Every gorge starts life with a tiny nubbin of a brow, dubbed the "Giggle Brow"! Awww, cute. It should be rounded on the top and then point outward towards the outside of the eye.
Cheeky Brow: This is what the Giggle Brow becomes after a gorge hits puberty and is growing up! It's much more angular than the Giggle Brow, and has a square shape to it!
Upgradeable Brows: After a gorge grows up, you can upgrade the brow towards any direction you want! If you want to change your brow later, you can use the Switcher-Ditcher to switch things up! Beware though, once you upgrade to a new brow, you cannot go back to the Cheeky Brow!

Mouth Types
Gorges are able to sport a few different kinds of varieties with those mouth spikes of theirs! Below will list off how to obtain them and what they're called:
Default: Fangs & Tusks: The top two images depict the default for gorge mouths. Tusks show the larger spike connected to the bottom jaw going up, whereas Fangs show the larger spike connected to the top jaw going down. Smaller fangs on opposite sides are always adjacent.
Jagged Mouth: The upgrade Jagged Mouth allows for the mouth spikes to be on the same side.
Smooth Mouth: The upgrade Smooth Mouth allows for the smaller spike on the mouth to be gone completely, leaving only the large fang/tusk!
Size Comparison

Gorges are nearly twice the size of their standard counterparts- wow! The exception is, of course, the rare bipedal gorge, which is generally only a head higher than a standard bipedal. They are considered scrawny half-breeds that lack the strength and integrity of a quad.
Gorges pictured as examples: NPC Gulch & Dune.
Gorge History

Due to the seclusive nature of this subspecies and the isolated regions their clans live, very little is known about their true history. Everyone knows that gorges are primarily a quad stanced subspecies. It’s only through mixing with other subspecies that biped gorges came to be, and gorges as a majority look to this change as a bad thing: weakening their otherwise larger-than-life kind (Since bipeds are actually smaller than quads and rather gangly in comparison).
It’s hypothesized this perception of weakening bloodlines is one of the reasons gorges stay well off the beaten path and do not mingle with other subspecies if they can help it.
However, it's not unusual to find settlements that once belonged to gorge clans still standing. Many subspecies take these abandoned towns as their own rather than allowing them to fall to ruin. If you ever come across a settlement that seems to be larger than life, it's likely that it once was home to a clan of gorges.
Most subspecies try to avoid getting on a gorge tribe’s bad side. There are enough whispered instances in history of what happens to other subspecies trying to steal gorge gold and gems. It tends to end very, very badly for thieves or double-crossers.
Although gorges are often secluded enough to not bother with the politics of other species, history is lined with gorges involved in wars. Whether aiding as allies to another species or defending their own territory, gorges are a force to be reckoned with.

It’s rumored that gorge clans each have a written history contained in a single book, each one unique to each clan. Many Antovian historians theorize heavily about what possible ancient secrets the gorges may be hiding in their heritage tomes and are always eager to try and barter for even just a glimpse into one. Not a single gorge clan has ever taken a non-gorge up on these offers though, so the potential contents of the clan tomes remain a closely guarded secret.
Gorges are rarely seen by other subspecies- living a life far from most other settlements. They choose to make their own clans in the more inhospitable places: deserts, extreme mountain ranges, active volcanoes, and anywhere other subspecies are loath to go (let alone live there). Some gorges (although not as common) even live in the extreme cold, rather than extreme heat.
They also have their own (more gruff) language that is extremely hard for other subspecies to learn due to the difference in mouth shapes. Most modern gorges know a little bit of common language in order to smoothly conduct trades, but they often speak shortly and to the point. This might be why traveling gorges speak so briefly and only what needs to be said.
Gorges Today

Gorges don’t wear much at all, not having much need for extra protection against the elements or any desire to “show off” fabric. Usually, the most extravagant gorge will only wear a small collection of metal horns or spike bands.
Gorges usually live in small, simple settlements far from civilization in what most would consider inhospitable climates or locations. They tend to keep to family groups they call clans, largely made up of related gorges. They tend to live in low-tech and low-magic lifestyles, and this coupled with their large size and speech (often short and to the point with little small talk) lead many to turn their noses up at gorges and consider them a more ‘primal’ or less ‘civilized’ subspecies.
Any gorge you see outside of these clans will likely either be a young adult seeking to join a new clan in the hopes of impressing a gorge of the opposite sex or an outcast. Outcasts are often rare bipedal gorges or gorges expelled from their clan for showing an excess of “weak” bloodline traits. Along with a bipedal stance, gorges with mixed ancestry tend to be born with traits most pure gorges would never acquire in their life: useless wings, fur on their body that traps heat (causing excessive venting), and other undesirable features. It is possible for a gorge with none of these problems to decide to become an outcast on their own and intermingle with the “weaker” subspecies, but this is a very rare occurrence.
Almost all gorges you'll find are quads: a role-reversal compared to most wyngrew subspecies. This often only heightens other societies' harsh judgment of the “brutish” gorges.

Gorges themselves take pride in their ability to handle the toughest environments, and consider it socially unacceptable to complain or to show discomfort. They take pride in stoicism, and crying is considered something disgusting and taboo. While gorges don’t expect other subspecies to be as “strong” emotionally as they are, any showing of excess emotion while trying to negotiate with a gorge will definitely lower their respect.
When traveling, most gorges exclusively travel by foot. Quarry Oris can't typically support their weight, and ship travel is avoided due to most gorges not knowing how to swim. Because of this, you’ll likely never find a gorge anywhere inaccessible by land travel. The most you'll see is a large cart pulled by rattle cattle, likely to carry trade goods.
Gorges are also reluctant to take part in neighboring “town politics”. Unlike other subspecies whose communities are often bartering or bickering, gorges usually focus upon the basics of living: food, shelter, water. The only exception to this is gorge’s love of rare minerals and metals: this subspecies has a reputation for being attracted to all that glitters and sparkles. Many gorges are smiths and miners, finding raw materials to trade with other subspecies for food and other items necessary for survival.

Rough and Tough! Features of a Gorge:

Thick Skin - Gorges are born with exceptionally thick skin. This tough hide makes gorges immune to most weather, even extreme hots and colds. Gorges are most famous for being largely unbothered by any sparks flying from their forges when working with hot metals. Bear in mind their skin is not fireproof: just very tough and calloused, especially for adult gorges.
Dense Bones - A gorge’s bone structure is very thick and dense to help carry their heavy bodyweight. This makes gorges very durable and unlikely to break bones in their lifetime. Unfortunately, this also makes gorges extremely unsuited for swimming (they sink like rocks). They are also incapable of flight (and incapable of growing any back wings at all).
Jagged Muzzles - Gorges have large jagged “fangs” or "tusks" that protrude from their mouths. Gorges are born with one pair and are able to eat solid foods right away because of it. Because this inhibits nursing, a mother’s pouch fades much earlier than other species. A baby gorge will usually only use their mother's pouch for a week or so before rolling around and not needing it anymore. They are tough little babies!
Steam Vents - All gorges are born with holes in their backs that produce steam. This steam is produced to leech off excess body heat, as otherwise, gorges could easily overheat thanks to their large body size. Gorges are most prone to “steaming” when exerting themselves, or after a particularly hearty meal (Or comically, when they get overly frustrated or emotional). The steam can also have a displeasing smell, depending on what a gorge has recently eaten. Other subspecies seem particularly prone to taking offense to a gorge letting off steam, as it often has a sulfur-like smell to them.
Back Spikes - While wynglings have just a single vent and small shoulder spike, as they grow into adulthood, they also tend to grow larger spikes and more vents in order to more easily cool their larger adult body. These back spikes can vary in number, and in which direction they grow. Larger spikes with more intricate vent work are more favored in gorge society.
Large Body Size - Even gorge eggs are above-average in size: their wynglings hatching to be double the size of normal wynglings. Gorge bipeds stand a full head taller than standard wyngrew, making them quite intimidating. Gorge quads are truly giants, standing eye-to-eye with their biped counterparts and not much smaller than a rattle cow!
Gorge Eggs & Breeding
Gorge eggs are twice the size of standard wyngro eggs with shells that are also much thicker than the average egg. Because of this, gorge mothers can generally only lay one egg at a time.
These eggs also take much longer to lay, gestating for 6-9 months before being laid.
Once laid, it incubates for 4-10 months. The wide incubation gap is because gorge eggs are much slower to develop because of their sheer size if not specifically warmed and cared for. Gorge towns often take advantage of their “slow-growing” eggs in order to plan mass hatchings around times when they have enough food available to feed the next generation.
Due to the extra-thick shell, gorge wynglings are forced to hatch in a very unique way. When ready to begin their life, the wyngling within the gorge egg begins producing heat and steam from their back vents. Pressure begins to build inside the egg until it eventually “explodes” in a splash of egg fluid, shell, and steam, leaving a new gorge wyngling at the center of the blast.

Gorge communities are used to this, and they usually have sturdy buildings and furniture built to stand strong against gorge-sized wear-and-tear (and small explosions). Hatchery caretakers have some of the most injuries compared to any other occupation!
Gorge hatcheries are rare, and only the largest gorge clans have them in order to effectively handle the number of explosions their higher population creates. Most gorges are very selective about when and whom they make an egg with, planning out the timing and number of the next generation frugally. Gorges that make an egg with no means to care for it are looked down upon and are often considered lazy, or “mongrel-like” in their conduct. Those who repeatedly show no care to their egg making are usually punished harshly, as any gorges selfish enough to waste clan resources on so many unplanned mouths to feed can seriously affect how much the clan will need to trade for food and other items (and how much precious metal and gems will be depleted from the clan stores).

Smaller clans tend to come together for each hatching. As the egg begins to warm, they take it to a safe open space and begin what is known amongst gorges as 'The Surprise Blessing.' The adults of the clan toss the egg to one another as it gets hotter and hotter, until it finally explodes in one of their arms!
The gorge caught by the explosion is expected to safely catch the hatchling, and after that is deemed the wyngling’s honorary “Blood Parent” (as the explosion usually causes some damage). They are the one expected to be the wyngling’s honorary teacher and guide until the wyngling reaches adulthood and can fend for themselves.
To have many “surprises” in this way is considered an honor, and a sign the goddess Vantras favors your strength. Many blood-parents are always happy and excited to show their blood-sons and daughters the scar they got from their hatching, as it's a sign of bonding.

Gorge eggs are considered quite valuable, due to their unique shell qualities. After hatching, the pieces are meticulously collected and stored as a keepsake for the baby once they grow up.
Not only are the eggs extremely durable, but the insides shine like geodes! As a fun fact, those shiny insides are the same color as the baby's eye color!
Once they hit puberty, a gorge's first trial as an adult is to forge a tool with the piece of their egg. The go-to tool to make for most gorges is a hammer, as this can be used in many different trades. Depending on what the gorge is interested in perusing, this can depend greatly on the profession they wish to aim for. An axe for carpentry, pliers for jewelry, or even a shield if they want to become a guard or a spite hunter.
Although most parents and elders are often warning youngsters to avoid making a weapon, as making something "cool" won't be practical later in life, and a lot of young gorges often end up trading away or selling custom-made weapons.
Many of these weapons forged end up being the same color as their eyes, creating a suitable custom tool for any young adult.
Breeding Differences with Gorges: Mechanics
Because gorges are a bit rarer than standards, quills & finns, they are assigned things at birth that normal wyngrew are not. These include the following:
Form (Quad or Bipedal)
This is due to bipedals being less common than quads. Gorges are generally a quad-only species, but due to breeding with other species, bipedals do exist in the world.
Sex is determined in order to keep the species from getting over-saturated within the community, since males cannot breed outside of their species, but females can.

Dormant Magic: Gorges
Gorges have the unique dormant magic to resist heat and fire. This goes beyond their naturally thick skin, as gorges can resist temperatures that other species could never stand.
This is a natural dormant magic that they can use without preforming elemental magic, so their magic glands do not glow while they are able to use this resistance! (It just comes naturally!)
Gorges take full advantage of this ability, such as working in smoldering forges, get dishes out of the oven with their bare hands, and other useful tasks that others could never attempt!
With training, gorges can even traverse active volcanos without any protection! They truly are the fireproof species of the world!
For more info on Dormant Magic, click here!
Magical differences
Because of their natural affinity for fire magic, gorges also have an easier time learning it than other subspecies!
This means they only need half of the required art when learning fire magic independently!
They only need a total of 4 images to learn Basic Magic (one for each ability)!
And only a total of 6 images for Intermediate! (You can divide the required images as you wish between the four abilities, but there must be at least one image for each ability being learned!)
However, gorges are exceedingly lacking at their counter-magics: Water & Ice
In order to learn water magic independently, a gorge must do 12 Polished Pieces for Basic Water Magic, and 16 for Intermediate Water & Ice. (You’re better off just taking a class with them to avoid the hassle!)

How do I get a Gorge?
Gorges are obtainable mostly through breeding, but they can also appear infrequently at auctions and other special giveaways.
There exists a traveling quest that once completed, allows a male wyngro of your choice to breed with the Travel NPC known as "Big Mama" the gorge! Beware though, she's very picky on the attractiveness of your male!

How to Make a Gorge
If you end up obtaining a gorge, there are some approval rules to note! Here's everything you need to know:

The template will be given to you upon acquiring your gorge (either bred or purchased).
You must specify which Mouth Type: Tusks or Fangs.
You must use the currently available MYO placements.
The baby spot should cover a large portion of the nose, but not go beyond the large fang or tusk.
The brow can be Base, Secondary or Accent color.
Gorge front feet, by default, are always claws. So you can choose whether the back feet are paws or claws!
Because gorges by default can have what is essentially "pure claws", it is not regarded as an upgrade on them at all.
The shoulder vents have one hole on them. This hole should always be either black or a darker color. (ideally a darker color than the outside of the vent)
Incompatible Upgrades for Gorges:
There are some upgrades that gorges cannot get! Make sure to check the list before planning your upgrades!