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Finn Subspecies

Finns are an ancient subspecies that used to live solely on island archipelagos far from the mainland, and other wyngrew subspecies. Wyngrew like to tell tales that a hidden underwater city houses thousands of these fishy gros.


Known for their ability to breath underwater and swift swimming speed, these wyngrew can be spotted in most popular port towns today!


Pure Finns are not as common to see around these days due to the centuries of breeding with standard gros.

Any wyngro you see today with fins or scales has an ancestry of Finn blood in their biology!

Finn Anatomy:


Below are a list of things unique to the finn subspecies that are all needed to identify a "pure" finn from a standard with finn traits. 

  • Reversed Pupils & Iris. Color always appears in the pupil

  • Vibrant and bright pupils

  • Gills that wrap around the entire neck

  • Arm fins

  • Pupils, gills and arm fin membrane always match in color

  • Gills & arm fin membrane both glow and match the color of the magic glands when using magic

  • Body covered in scales, no fur

  • Their eggs appear and feel wet to the touch!

Other iconic but not always consistent features are:

  • Finn ears, Webbed ears, & other fin-like ears

  • Fin-like tails

  • Vibrant, eye catching colors (especially accent colors)


Gills are something that only Finns and wyngrew with a pure Finn parent seem to inherit. (Much like the double dew claws on Imps and Imp offspring!)

This unique trait allows the wyngro to breath comfortably underwater!

When first born, Finns are often placed in shallow water so that the newborn can begin breathing underwater first. They seem to be more naturally adapted to it when first born, and need a few days before their air lungs finish developing. 

When a 2nd gen Finn is born with gills, parents may see their wyngling struggling to breath when it first hatches. Sometimes, unable to work out the function of their lungs, a wyngling can even suffocate and die because of this. It’s important to always watch half breed Finn/Standard wyngling eggs upon hatching to quickly determine if they have gills or not. Since placing a NON-gilled wyngling egg in the water to hatch could drown it, likewise.

This seems to be why females with non Finn partners would stay on land until their eggs hatched, long ago. (And to this day as well)

Once a wyngro with gills is a week or two old, it can perfectly adapt to either land or water permanently. Sometimes it can take a bit to adjust from lungs to gills (or vice versa) if a Finn has been used to one for a long time. 

Arm Fins

These unique “fins” are actually bulky fats that stick out from the ends of the arms, and can bend up against the arms to fold in or stick out. When the fins are “open”, a colorful membrane is exposed, which helps gives them a boost in the water. Their natural affinity to water magic allows them to learn quickly the ways of water propulsion underwater. (Even as wynglings!)​

Slick, Scaly Body

Many Finns have small, nearly naked-to-the-eye scales. 

Their scales are very shiny and slick, almost having a wet feel to them, even when the Finn is not wet.


This makes swimming a breeze, but the scales can get dried out and crack very easily during the colder months. 

Reverse Eyes

Finns have unique eyes where the pupil and iris colors are swapped! This helps them see underwater, be it murky or dark. However, it causes them to be very sensitive to sunlight, and often need to wear protective eye gear on sunny days due to this light sensitivity.

If you're lucky enough to pick your bred finn's eye color, below is a nice guide to getting a legal color! ​Finn eyes are always very bright and neon, so if it's too dull, dark or not vibrant enough, you will be asked to adjust it!


Pure Paws

No one seems to understand why Finns sport a full set of paws.


Clawed feet seem to be unnecessary when swimming in the depths of the ocean.

Many do grow in defined nails, however. 


Some wyngrew have commented on how squishy and soft a pure Finn’s paws are!

(Please ask a finn before you go up to them and squish their paws. They don't like that. ) 

Adult Traits & Unalterable Traits

  • Standard Quad and Biped Anatomy

  • Gills. Two distinguished shapes that go around the entire neck, and have a spike up towards the head, underneath the jaw. 

  • Finns always have Pure Paws.

  • Special accent colors are always the same, and cannot ever change. A Finn's Accent color is ALWAYS visible on the following:

-Colored Pupil

-Gill membranes (when open)

-Fin membranes (when open)

  • Arm Fins can never be removed.

  • Reverse Eyes. Can never be removed or altered. (Although shaped pupil upgrade can be applied to the colored center of the eye) 


Finn History


Long ago, on the long island chains just off the coast of what would become the Kingdom of Antova, were a very unique subspecies of wyngrew. This subspecies, commonly called the Finns, lived almost exclusively on several island colonies, using the safe land as a place to keep their young and to rest when the day’s labors were done, as the deep ocean was (and still is) home to mighty creatures even the swiftest swimmers must take caution near.


The Finns did not worry about creating sturdy or lasting homes on land, used to rebuilding after sweeping tropical storms, and keeping to the relative calm of the deep sea colonies during storm season, when their wynglings were old enough to swim strongly and swiftly. The ocean had no shortage of food, and their lives were mostly full of peace.


Until one tragic day, when the sky fell.


The disaster came completely unexpectedly, and mercilessly. The few that survived spoke of the event as an act of war from the sky god himself, an attempt to kill his brother and twin, the bountiful ocean god they worshipped.


The ocean waves rose to unimaginable heights, and the currents twisted and strengthen to unnatural speeds. All the islands the Finns had called home were completely obliterated. Homes and families alike were swept away in the ocean's pained writhing, scattered and lost.


None of the young or elderly survived. A few of the colony that managed to live through the first waves regrouped, and worked to seek out other survivors of their kind.


As the search parties spread out, however, they found more than just Finns. Standard wyngrew, mostly bodies, but a few live souls clinging desperately to flotsam who had been washed out to sea by the tidal waves.

The Finns, normally weary of the odd - eyed landgoers, had seen enough death that day. They assisted the half drowned Standards back to the mainland shore, eventually regrouping there themselves as the ocean heaved still with turmoil from the impact of the sky's assault.


They formed an uneasy alliance with the coastline Standards, gathering what little food they could from the turbulent sea while the Standards began building shelters. As the newly budding port towns began to take hold, the temporary alliance grew into something more permanent. The Finns had lost everything, and had no desire to wander the wide ocean in search of new islands when living on the coast with their new allies offered them a secure new place to live near the mighty ocean.


Many of the Standard wyngrew had no wish to see the odd Finns leave, with their ocean mastery, they could swim and find fish schools far faster than even the Standard's oldest fishergro.


So the Finns remained, their kind mixing with Standards and soon coming to commonly live in ports of all kinds all along the oceans.

Finns Today


Finns are an expected sight in ports towns, though they are still far outnumbered by Standards. Their bloodlines, however, have spread far! As seen in Standard wyngrew who grow fins, scales, or simply have an affinity for the water.


Many ports and sailors in the Antova kingdom lands have echos of the Finn’s original religion in the form of superstitions, though ports in other regions may have more concrete forms of the old religion. One of the common superstitions are that winged wyngrew, as creatures of the sky, are bad luck to have aboard ships.

Finn Natural Skills - Dormant Magic

Finns naturally have the ability to breathe in fresh or salt water. They also have a knack for a very specific kind of dormant magic: to perform serious speedy Water Propulsion when swimming, thanks to their unique fins! 


Finn wynglings are born with the ability to breathe water with ease, though sometimes their air lungs are a tad less developed when first hatched, and may need to be cradled underwater for the first few days of life by a parent until they can easily breathe air without distress.


Wynglings are also able to use their baby fins to propel themselves a little bit in the water (Finns often learn to swim before they even take their first steps on land), but are much slower than adults.

To keep them safe, wynglings are often forbidden to swim far from shore or anywhere near deeper ocean waters even though they have no need to fear drowning: large ocean predators or strong currents could easily pose a serious danger to a Finn wyngling.


For more info on Dormant Magic, click here! 

Magical differences


Because of their natural affinity for water magic, Finns also have an easier time learning it than other subspecies!


This means they only need half of the required art when learning water magic independently!

They only need a total of 4 images to learn Basic Magic (one for each ability)!

And only a total of 6 images for Intermediate! (You can divide the required images as you wish between the four abilities, but there must be at least one image for each ability being learned!)


However, Finns are exceedingly lacking at their counter-magic: Fire


In order to learn Fire magic independently, a pure-blooded Finn must do 12 Polished Pieces for Basic Fire Magic, and 16 for Intermediate. (You’re better off just taking a class with them to avoid the hassle!)


It's not very common for a Finn to even want to learn such an element, but there are always exceptions! 


Finns' gills, arm membranes and magic glands all glow with active magic abilities!


Dormant magic is used naturally as a means to swim faster. A finn doesn't even need to try to use it, and their magic glands do not glow. (Despite the dormant "magic" term)
However, when they are using active magic abilities, not only do their magic glands glow, but their gills and arm fin membranes as well!​
Many finns fear using active magic underwater for this reason, as it makes them a target for ocean predators! 

How do I get a Finn?


Finns are obtainable through breeding! Not only can you get a finn through a finn x finn breeding, but through very "fishy" standards as well! If your standard wyngro has a decent amount of finn heritage, (meaning they have a lot of fishy type upgrades), they may possess the genes to pass down a pure finn sometimes! Cool!

How to Make a Finn


If you find yourself in possession of a Finn, how do you get them approved? Let's take a look!

  • The template will be given to you upon acquiring your Finn.


  • Arm fins and gills must be open.


  • Ear webbing can be the base, secondary, Gill or accent colour. (If using Gill colour you cannot colour mix it onto the body from the ears!)


  • Eyes, gills and arm fin membranes must match.

  • Eye Color MUST be a Bright/Vivid color!


  • You must use the currently available myo placements.

Finn Upgrade Differences


There are some upgrades that Finns cannot get! Likewise, some upgrades are easier to obtain for them!

To see the list, click here!

Incompatible Upgrades, click here!

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