Quill Wyngrew
Quills are an ancient subspecies of wyngrew, known to have originated from a fabled floating island archipelago. Known for their natural predisposition to flight and wind magic, this subspecies truly are masters of the skies.
While the Quills can still be found widely (if less common) among the ground populous, their blood lines are seen throughout many standard wyngrew, due to centuries of interbreeding. Any wyngro with a set of wings, feathers, beak or bird like features, most likely has Quill blood in its ancestry!

Quill Anatomy:
Below is a list of things unique to the Quill subspecies that are all needed to identify a "pure" Quill from a standard with quill traits.
Hard skin separated by feather layers on the head & chest.
"Feather Gliders" (feathered skin flaps)
Pure claws
Body covered in feathers, no fur
Their eggs are much lighter than other wyngrew eggs!
Other iconic but not always consistent features are:
Feathered Tail
Prominent feathers sticking out from the face
Muted, natural colors are more common
Spots, rings and stripes are the most common markings for Quills
Quill Wings - "Feather Glider"
All Quill wyngrew have their trademark Quill arm wings! These wings are quite unique, and consists of a special webbing coated in very tiny, strong feathers. This special feathered skin is referred to as feather gliders, and gives the wyngro a slower landing as they glide through the air!

Two different types of wing - Glider & Swift
Glider wings are like sugar glider webbing! Gliders are more used for floating and gliding down, letting the wind take them. They are better suited for long flights where they can gently stay afloat without much strain. They are also much less obtrusive and less in the way for daily life that does not involve flying.
Swift wings are like little pterodactyl wings! They are meant for flapping, and can go much faster and are much more acrobatic. However, they come in short bursts, and wyngrew with this type of wing are very prone to over-exhaustion. They can still glide with Swift wings, but need to flap a lot more often to stay afloat. Swift wings are also much more likely to get in to way during task oriented motions, and are uncomfortable to tuck into clothing because of the strong membranes within them.

Head Types: Smooth & Feather Crowns
There are two variations of head types for Quills: The smooth crown, which has a very distinct separation of feathers going vertical across the head, from the beak to the back. This variation seems to be more iconic when a quill is depicted in books and such. Most quills agree that the smooth crown is the iconic "pure quill ancestry".
The feather crown is believed to be a result of mix breeding with non quills. The very top and back of the head is covered by a small coat of feathers, allowing them to have tufts of hair and fluffy cheeks!

Note: Wing type & Head type CANNOT be changed later, so make sure to choose the one you prefer carefully!
Quill Tails
Quills are born with a very specialised tail. They are able to flare their feathers out widely to create a large wedge shape, perfect for steering. Unlike Feathered tail tips on standard gros, a Quill tail only has a single row of large Primary flight feathers, with smaller tertiary feathers lining them and fading into their feathered body.

Hollow Bones & Hard Shell
Quills are made for high speed flying and are masters of steep, daredevil dives! To keep their bodies light for extended lift, their bones are actually hollow and therefor, easily able to break. They are not a very "rough & tumble" kind of gro.
In order to protect their fragile bones, their skin consists of a hard and beak like surface covered in feathers. It's nearly 4 times as tough as a standard gro's skin, and just as malleable. It has what some describe as a "tough leathery" feel to it, but appears shiny and slick like the surface of an egg.
Quill wynglings still have soft baby spots though, so take care!

Feathered Body
This race is born naturally feathered! Newborn wynglings look a little scraggly because of it, but fluff up within a few hours. Even their ears are a fan of feathers!
Pure Quills do not have fur, (although tiny feathers can sometimes appear looking like fluff) and are instead covered with feathers instead.
These coats are very helpful for easily shedding water and drying off. Quills are NOT very big on getting wet since it impedes on their ability to fly.

Pure Claws
Quills, born for flight instead of ground travel, are born with all claws, and no paws!
These claws assist young Quill wynglings in clinging to and climbing all sorts of things, since they can only glide until they reach adulthood.
A pure Quill will never have paws, although upgrades such as hooves aren't unheard of.

Adult Traits & Unalterable Traits
Standard Quad and Biped Anatomy.
Fully Grown Quill wings.
Shell color is treated as a Secondary Color.
Tails grow into an adult length. Feathers also fully grow in, can fan out or fold closed when required.
Quills always have their distinctive ‘webby’ arm/body wings. They cannot acquire other arm wings because of this. (They can however, acquire fully-grown back wings!)
Quills can never lose their hard shell along their head and upper chest. It’s very rare for Quills with purely Quill ancestry to grow hair because of this. Though it’s common for those born of mixed Standard blood to have a ‘reduced shell’, allowing for hair growth!
Quills always have Pure Claws, and cannot obtain Paws.
Wing webbing must retain one solid color. No placements or gradients. (Markings okay)

Quill History
Amongst the heavens themselves, an avian species of wyngrew roamed the clouds thousands of years ago. They were simply known to the ground-dwelling Wyngrew of old as “Air Wyngrew”, a distant and mysterious race to those living on the ground.
While standard Wyngrew had skin and no wings to speak of, the Air Wyngrew were very bird-like. Sporting hard beaks on their upper jaws, with bodies adorned in feathers. Their arms were almost completely indistinguishable, completely taken over by wings.
These wyngrew lived largely removed from those on the ground, living and thriving on an archipelago of floating islands that drifted above. It was there the Air Wyngrew lived, many forming their own tribes.
While their customs widely differed, most of the tribes were in agreement on one thing: their ability of Flight made them special. And as the chosen children of Klypirah, the goddess of the winds and giver of their floating paradise, they had certain responsibilities and duties to their goddess.
However … exactly what those responsibilities were differed from tribe to tribe, and often led to conflict.
The most free-spirited tribe: the Hi’sung, believed that Klypirah wished for her children to use their wings in exploration and discovery, often visiting the world below. They were quite interested in standard Wyngrew and loved to do trades with them, fascinated by the ground-dwellers different lifestyle and ways of coping with their wingless lives.
The Veerde tribe, on the other hand, were far more reclusive and reserved. Their beliefs were that the goddess had given them wings and this paradise to live away from the ground for a reason. They focused their efforts more on self-discipline and life on their islands.
Unfortunately, as the Quill populations grew, the islands became less and less able to be self-sustaining. This led to growing bitterness between tribes, and conflicts breaking out.
The Veerde were the most competent in conquest, quickly absorbing many of the smaller tribes to their cause and strengthening their hold on the islands.
The Hi’sung, while far less suited for confrontation, had a far more valuable influence: Food.
Through frequent trips to the surface, the peaceful tribe was able to trade away oddities of their island home for what the ground dwellers had in abundance: fruit, vegetables, and meats.
The Veerde and Hi’sung were soon the dominant tribes across the floating island archipelago, both agreeing to an uneasy peace. Neither were fond of the other’s beliefs, but the stubborn Veerde could not deny the need for supplies. The Hi’sung however, needed to appease the Veerde for risk of a civil war.
Over time, many of the Hi’sung tribe began to intermix with the standard wyngrew. Soon, all sorts of mixed blood and non-Quill wyngrew alike were invading upon the sacred floating islands, where naturally occurring wind magic kept their lands aloft.
Where the Hi’sung celebrated the unity of wyngrew of all types, the Veerde detested the invasion, and many feuds between the two tribes worsened. They swore such sacrilege, opening up the island home to those of mixed blood, would only anger their goddess, and cause grave consequences.
The Hi’sung had found a treasure they had not expected in their explorations: family, friends, rich cultures and wyngrew with a knowledge their tribes could never have dreamed of. Surely to turn a blind eye to the world below and what it could, and had offered, their kind was to waste the goddess’ given gift of Flight?
One dreadful day, an entire floating island fell from the sky and into the ocean below. Many, many lives and homes were lost. The devastation caused mass panic and hysterics. Tidal waves from the neighbouring shores washed up several port towns of innocent ground dwelling wyngrew, as well as completely wiping out many smaller oceanic islands in the flood.
This unfortunate disaster destroyed the peace the two tribes once had, and a war between the two tribes finally broke out.
The Veerde claimed that the influx of standard wyngrew had created a weight that the island could no longer support, blaming the new-comers for the event.

The Hi’sung supported the theory that the fluctuating magical essence of the world was what caused the disaster, and had nothing to do with weight. Especially since the disaster had occurred during Warptide month.
But the Veerde were furious and demanded that all non-flying Wyngrew leave immediately. Something had to be done fast, and if the demand was not complied with, then those that did not comply would be killed on sight.
Because of the many mixed families in their clans, the Hisung tribe could not comply with this demand. The Hi’sung were forced to stand their ground, fearing for the safety of their entire tribe, homeland, and way of life.
The Veerde established a large support from pure-blooded wyngrew after the fall of the first island, but the Hi’sung had allies in ground-dwelling wyngrew now, after many generations of building relationships with them. The two tribes waging war were very equally matched, which meant there was a lot of death on both sides.
The Veerde were true warriors, however, spending their lives learning every air current and blade of grass of their island home. They hit hard, and without mercy. The war claimed many lives, and a white flag was hung in the name of all the Hi’sung. Nearly the entire tribe was forced out and shunned to live on the ground among the standard Wyngrew in shame.
Luckily, the bond between the Hi’sung and standard wyngrew was strong and unbreakable after the war. They swore to one day take back their home above the clouds once they regrouped.
Though centuries later, the floating islands were but a faint memory, and the banished Quills slowly disappeared into obscurity after centuries of breeding with ground dwellers. Some say the floating islands were but a rumour made more fantastic after each generation, and that those wars were battled somewhere on the ground in a distant land. The floating islands have been searched for by flight capable Wyngrew many times and never discovered again, so no one knows if it was real or not.
Quills Today
Quills are still on rare occasions born among the general populous, an echo of the subspecies going strong in the gift of wings and feathers given to the ground dwellers through their intermixing of blood so long ago.
Some have formed townships of their own, but many generally just live mixed into already established communities where they are born, an uncommon but not unheard of sight.
Quill Natural Skills - Dormant Magic
Quills naturally have the ability to breathe at high altitudes, and the natural wind magic to perform Flight!
Wynglings can only use this magic to ‘fall with style’ by safely gliding downward from high places, but once they reach adulthood, all Quills can fly with the best of them!
This is a natural dormant magic that they can use without preforming elemental magic, so their magic glands do not glow while they are able to use the wind around them in order to provide extra lift.
This is extremely difficult to take advantage of in an enclosed space, such as inside a building or where there is less natural wind. A quill will need to make use of elemental wind magic in these cases.
For more info on Dormant Magic, click here!

Magical differences
Because of their natural affinity for wind magic, Quills also have an easier time learning it than other subspecies!
This means they only need half of the required art when learning wind magic independently!
They only need a total of 4 images to learn Basic Magic (one for each ability)!
And only a total of 6 images for Intermediate! (You can divide the required images as you wish between the four abilities, but there must be at least one image for each ability being learned!)
However, Quills are exceedingly lacking at their counter-magic: Earth
In order to learn Earth magic independently, a pure-blooded Quill must do 12 Polished Pieces for Basic Earth Magic, and 16 for Intermediate. (You’re better off just taking a class with them to avoid the hassle!)
It's not very common for a Quill to even want to learn such an element, but there are always exceptions!
How do I get a Quill?
Quills are obtainable mostly through breeding, but they can also appear infrequently as adopts and other special giveaways.
Because quills are so heavily integrated into society, many mixed wyngrew have defining features that relate them to the quills of old, such as feathery features, beaks, and claws on all limbs.
Every once and a while, a pure quill will be born of two mixed wyngrew, even if a pure quill ancestor is far down the line.

How to Make a Quill
If you find yourself in possession of a Quill, how do you get them approved? Let's take a look!
The template will be given to you upon acquiring your Quill.
If they do not receive an ear upgrade, they have Quill Ears as a default!
You must specify which wing type you are using. (Swift or Glider)
You must specify which head type you are using. (Smooth or feather crown)
Decide carefully, as the type wing and crown you choose can never change!
You must use the currently available MYO placements.
On bred pallets, the baby spot color given goes on the entire shell! Quills do not have baby spots like standards.
Their shell color must always remain one solid color. Placements/markings cannot be added.
Arm wings can be Base, Accent or Secondary color.
The second layer of feathers on the ears and tail can be Base, Accent or Secondary color.
No placements or gradients. (Markings are okay, so long as they are not cut off in a way that alters the look of the marking!)

Quill Upgrade Differences
There are some upgrades that Quills cannot get! Likewise, some upgrades are easier to obtain for them!
To see the list, click here!
Incompatible Upgrades, click here!
PLEASE NOTE: The more colored art on this page is outdated in terms of quill anatomy and should not be referenced as such!