Please note: This page is currently no longer relevant and existed when Wyngro was a actively run community for artists!
It exists as an old space you can visit, but no longer functions in the same way. Thank you for understanding.
Traveling in the Wyngro World!

Dezzmar: Arrrrrrr welcome welcome, to Dezzmar's Map Emporium of Exquisite Goods for the Traveling Wyngro! (Otherwise known as "X Marks the Spot!" )

Nymble: I call it "X Mart" for short!

Dezzmar: Oi! Nymble! I've told ye not to call it that!

Nymble: Oh right! How about... Dezzmar's Travel Shop instead?

Dezzmar: ....That'll do!
So you want your Wyngro to travel the world of Ennth? Well let's dig into it! In this guide, we'll go over everything you need to know, provide locational maps, and all the mechanics that go into Travel!
What is Ennth?
Ennth is the name of the world! This is what wyngrew refer to when they refer to the world as a whole, or their known existence on the planet, basically. When referencing soil/dirt/ground etc., gros still use the term "earth", it just doesn't also mean the planet. So the phrase, "What on Earth!?" would instead be "What on Ennth!?"
Is there a "World Map"?
There sure is! This is the known world in Antova country, with all the currently known locations labeled on it to scale.
(Note: There are more established locations that are known by wyngrew, they just haven't been release or created yet in the group)

The Antovian Kingdom is split into separate territories, and each territory has its own ruling city that helps to represent the Antova laws, acting as a central hub for traveling officials. These hubs receive funds from the central city of Antova in order to establish a cultural and societal standard. Although each town may have its own ruler, all fall in line with King Zenith, and must adhere to any ruling that comes to pass.
Leader Territory Towns:
Northwest Territory: Last Notch
Southwest Territory: Unknown
Northern Territory: Unknown
Central Territory: Antova
Southeast Territory: Unknown
Northwest Territory Map:

Nymble: I hope you like my map! I worked on it for almost a whole year getting it perfect! Dezzmar has better maps that go over the geography and stuff but.. it wasn't very pretty to look at. So just remember everything on here isn't exact, and more as a general guideline. (I may or may not have exaggerated on some things... hehe.) Oh, and you can fullview it here!
Northwest Territory Locations:
Below are the current selection of towns we have officially released within the Northwest Territory!
Description: Wynsiph is the main town you start in! A "humble beginning" sort of village! Although there is one magic teacher, Wynsiph is more concentrated on farming & fishing, as it has one of the largest lakes in the area: Palamino Lake. It's also known for bordering the Fickle Forest, which is one of the largest and condensed forests in the Northwest Territory.
Type: Town
Leader: Tendarei Rellik
Hatchery: The Nook
Dark Magic Ban
Marked wyngrew cannot gain residency within the borders
Description: Last Notch is known for its strange name and nova tree nicknamed "The Arch". Located southeast of Wynisph, Last Notch is the lead territory town of the Northwest Territory. It began as a mining town and is rich in minerals, quarry oris, and wibbles.
Type: City
Leader: Huepoe Gumbuckle
Hatchery: The Wyngling Ranch
No Finns (for their own safety) may become a resident.
Dark Magic Ban
Marked wyngrew will be fined if seen in Last Notch
Traveling NPCs
NPCs (non-player characters) are characters owned by the group. They may be used in any way you like in order to help develop your own characters! While only official NPC art is considered 100% canon, we love seeing where people's interpretations take these characters, and we may use what you come up with to be canon if we like it! So have fun with them!
Click on each icon to be taken to a full reference and description to get to know them better!
Traveling NPCs, in particular, are not limited to one specific location and therefore can be depicted outside of official locations.
Different Methods of Travel:

Once your wyngro is packed, it’s time for your them to choose how they’re going to get to their destination!

Traveling via Shared Wagon:
Most wyngrew take a wagon when traveling between towns. Merchants and traveling-folk alike usually are willing to offer a spot on their wagon if they have room, and some towns with high enough traffic between them have regular wagons running just for transportation alone.
Wagons offer safety in numbers, and most efficient transportation of goods if your wyngro has a lot of things moving with them. The best part is, they’re usually very affordable! A few coins and you’re offered a seat. Not the most comfortable way to travel, but a good start for a safe trip!
One of the safest ways to travel.
Move more stuff.
Easiest physically. For gros that get tired out easier, this is a must!
Faster than walking.
Cramped space. Butt cramps are real.
Costs money.
Stranger danger. Very close quarters with gros you may not get along with.
Possible motion sickness.

Traveling on Foot:
Those who wish to save on coin usually travel with a group of friends by simply walking to closer destinations.
This mode of travel requires light packing, and a prepared group in order to traverse the non-nova tree protected regions.
So long as the group is large enough, they will be safe enough from most common spites, but this method is full of potential anomalies, so it's more or less a last resort option for peasants.
Fun bonding trip time! How many road songs can you sing?
FREE! (kind of)
Needs a prepared, well-balanced group in order to be safe! Do you have someone prepared to tackle any bothersome spites or foes like bandits & marauders? You’ll need some capable fighters just in case either way!
Major planning! Did everyone pack enough food and water for themselves for the trip? Do you have the supplies to camp out at night, and friends willing to keep watch in shifts so nothing sneaks up on all of you?
Must bring lasting snacks, or knowledge of edible fauna along the way! (Or the ability to hunt!) Risk of being poisoned or made ill from unsafe foods.
Cost of good supplies. (More than what you’d need for a wagon trip.)

Traveling on Quarry Ori-back:
The best, safest way to travel hands down, and the fastest for gros who don't hone wings or are exceptionally speedy in flight. Oris are the fastest domesticated steed known to wyngrew.
You'll need the ori first, of course. Which, is a very large expense in itself! Oris also are very expensive to care for, and need a lot of room to own one. So although the best method, it is also the most expensive.
Oris also need riders that know what they're doing, and unless the ori is exceptionally bred and trained by an expert, you'll need a decent bond with the particular ori as well in order for it to be a good steed on the road ahead.
There's nothing better than owning a good ori, so if you have this advantage and aren't planning on moving a ton of stuff, the ori is the best way to travel!
Considered the safest way to travel.
Pack a decent amount of supplies on your ori.
Very fast!
Non strenuous on your body!
Oris are quick enough to avoid any spite on the roads when running.
Ori maintenance. Watch for injuries, health, and feed your ori on the way!
Using a non-trained ori or one that spooks easily can end in disaster, or you getting stranded or even injured from said ori!
Oris still need to rest, and being stationary for too long, can attract spites and bandits.

River Travel:
Depending on where you need to go, traveling by river might be in your best interest! Not only is is relatively safe, but it's a fast way to travel with a lot of stuff! Many who prefer not working with animals often seek river travel if available, as boats don't need to be cared for like animals. You'll need to unload a decent chunk of money if you're buying your own small boat, but many port towns have services that will take you to different destinations for a fee as well.
If you're going with your own boat, you'll need some experience in maintaining and steering it, as well as steering clear of dangers that will lead you off course or down the wrong stream. It's also recommended that you know how to swim, just in case!
A fast way to travel! Not a lot of endurance needed, depending on the river.
Able to carry plenty of stuff!
Your 'vehicle' doesn't need to rest or be fed.
A fun, scenic way to travel!
Abundance of water at all times!
An easy option for finns!
Expensive. You'll need a boat, and all the equipment to maintain it.
Experience. Boats take some knowledge to maintain and understand.
Risk of supplies getting lost or wet in the river. Also should probably have strong swimming skills.
Restrictiveness. Not all places can be reached by river, and different courses require good planning.
Air Travel:
Wyngrew with wings can often turn a couple-days trip through rough or forest terrain into a one-day flight, especially if they know wind magic and travel extremely light!
Most wyngrew who deliver mail are winged for this reason, able to safely avoid most ground-bound spites and travel quickly between townships.
Fastest way to travel!
Avoids most spites and common threats.
Harder to get lost, as landmarks are far easier to see.
Quills can easily push past several hours of flight on a good day, due to their hollow bones and natural wind magic.
Can bring very little with you. (little more than the clothes on your back and the coin in your pocket), especially if you don’t want to wear yourself out.
Intense physical endurance. Physically fit standard gros can typically be in full flight for around an hour before needing a break.
While flight is generally more safe, other flight able gros still exist, and winged bandits are not unheard of. Unless you are prepared for air combat, this is far more dangerous than getting mugged on the ground.
Rest must still be regained on the ground, so those dangerous conditions still apply.
Bad weather can be unpredictable! Prepare for the possibility that you will have no choice but to travel on foot.
Travel Rules:
The world of Wyngro is much more vast than the town of Wynsiph! There are some rules to follow in regards to your character visiting other official locations, so here's what you need to know:
Only wyngrew who take the Travel Quest (adult only) or bred wynglings marked with the "roaming stamp" may be depicted outside of Wynsiph.
Bred wyngrew marked with "roaming stamp" must still unlock travel officially in order to breed eggs marked with the roaming stamp. Otherwise they will be delegated to Wynsiph as a default.
How to Unlock Travel: Questing
Only adult wyngrew can unlock travel via Questing.
You may travel to any official location listed above, as well as any no man's land! (Make up new locations!)
As journeys are strenuous (and sometimes dangerous), eggs/wynglings/slow-gros cannot travel.
To be marked as officially able to travel, an adult wyngro must first complete:
The “Leaving Wynsiph” Quest OR "The Great Cartographer" Quest.
They must then be accepted through the #travel_masterlist channel in our Discord server!
The Travel Masterlist can be checked to track a Wyngro's travel abilities.
Travel Ticket:
This special item can be found in the Store, and can be used to skip the quest requirements for unlocking Travel. This can also be used to unlock travel for wynglings. (If your wyngling is so bold!)

Benefits of Unlocking Travel:
Have your wyngro explore the vast territory, go on adventures, and draw them exploring outside of their resident town!
Some upgrades will be exclusive to specific locations!
Different towns provide different quests, benefits, and rewards for the wyngro that lives there!
Use the Traveling NPCs in breeding!
Travel & Breeding:
Where your characters are located will affect the location of any eggs they breed! This is a big step in obtaining new characters that are officially born in places other than Wynsiph, so you can feel free to spread out! Bred wynglings will have the option of being located in Wynsiph or as a "roaming" egg! (which means they can be depicted anywhere you want!)
This means you'll have to take note of the location of any eggs you want to trade for, as the 'roaming' stamp has the benefit of starting your wyngling anywhere you please!
Below are the steps for breeding outside of Wynsiph:
Officially grow up your wyngro.
Go to the Quests page and have the wyngro you want to travel complete at least 3 Wynsiph quests.
Take the Leaving Wynsiph or The Great Cartographer Quest.
Unlock Travel by posting to the #travel_masterlist channel in Discord.
Once approved, you now have travel unlocked! Your wyngro can travel to any town, official or non-canon.
If your wyngro breeds with another wyngro that also has travel unlocked, the egg rolled will be listed as Location: Roaming!

Roaming is like a status granted to an egg when initially rolled. Similar to how having travel unlocked doesn't change a wyngro's residency, simply their ability to travel.
This status is given to eggs when both parents have the same residency and have travel unlocked.
Wynglings and adult wyngrew with Roaming status may be depicted outside Wynsiph if you so wish.
Roaming wyngrew must still unlock travel officially by completing either the Leaving Wynsiph Quest or The Great Cartographer Quest.
Roaming status is simply to allow the eggs and resulting hatched wyngrew to stay in lore with their parents as they travel.
When two parents of a residency outside of Wynsiph have travel unlocked, you may choose to have your egg located anywhere you'd like!
Wynsiph is considered the default beginner town of Wyngro!
As such, the following conditions determine if a wyngro has Wynsiph residency:
All Custom Wynglings (MYO) by default
Bred wyngrew from two parents with Wynsiph residency
Bred wyngrew from one parent with Wynsiph residency, and one with travel unlocked.
Roaming, Last Notch, & any other towns!
Want your wyngro to belong outside of Wynsiph? Go crazy!
If your purchased or bred wyngling was previously marked with location as Last Notch or Roaming, you are still welcome to portray them in Wynsiph.
Bred wyngrew with a "roaming stamp" may be depicted anywhere!
Event exclusive: Custom Wynglings made on July 19th 2021 as part of the Anniversary event are meant to exist in Last Notch, but may move the other locations if the member desires!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Residency: How can I give my wyngro residency in a different town?
Once your wyngro has officially unlocked travel, they can visit and live in any town they'd like! (official or non-canon)
Each town has different laws and specifications, so you can check those above!
What is a Residency Chip?
Residency chips are very important items that are created with special materials and magic to each specific resident. Don’t lose your chip! (replacing them ain’t cheap!) There are also rumors of wyngrew forging false chips and selling them on the black market for easy/cheap residency. Be cautious-- as this is a criminal offense! Note: Residency chips are purely for story purposes and are no longer needed for residency!
How do I get a wyngling born in another town?
Adult wyngrew who have travel unlocked produce eggs with the "roaming stamp", which allows them to be born wherever you'd like! All towns have local hatcheries to accept and raise unwanted eggs, so feel free to be creative and make a unique story for your wyngling!
Wynsiph Default: The Nook is a widely-praised hatchery, with eggs from all over being sent to Alma's doorstep. No matter where an egg is laid, you can still choose to have it sent to Wynsiph to hatch and grow there!
Can I discover and create my own town somewhere on the map?
Absolutely! Having your wyngro come across towns that are not official is encouraged! You're welcome to come up with your own lore, community, maps, etc. Perhaps your wyngro founded the town themselves! Feel free to make your own side group, invite your friends, and so on! You can even come up with new plants, landscapes, minerals, materials, etc. Just please note that unofficial creatures must not be counted for wyns/requirements!
Things to be aware when creating your own town:
You may pick any place on the Northwest Territory map to say where your town is located, regardless of another member saying there is a town they created there. Any harassment of "claiming dibs" on parts of the map will not be tolerated.
While you're able to use background characters to display an active, populated town, please make sure to avoid using unreleased subspecies, other group species, non-canonical character, etc. Please avoid depicting non-official imps in travel images (as they are exclusive to Antova).
Remember that reoccurring, non-official characters that appear in more than one deviation, having a specific role, etc. should not be submitted to the group gallery, counted for wyns, or be used for requirements. Displaying vague depictions of background characters or silhouettes is fine. This also goes for small fauna such as birds/fish/bugs/etc.
While we encourage you to fill the world with elements that will make it more realistic and rich, we want people to avoid creating new creatures. This is because it can be confusing for moderation, wyn counts, and counting characters for unofficial creatures. We also want to avoid leading the community to veer too far from the intended world design.
Disclaimer: Any content created within the group and submitted to our gallery may be used to official means. (This means that if we like your world building, we might use it for the official group!)
Art Credits
Thanks you for all of the wonderful art! Images above were drawn by the following artists: