Please note: This page is currently no longer relevant and existed when Wyngro was a actively run community for artists!
It exists as an old space you can visit, but no longer functions in the same way. Thank you for understanding.
Wyngro shop is CLOSED!
Thank you to all who supported Wyngro through the shop in the past. You helped keep it going for as long as it was around. ♥
Want to help out? We have a Patreon!

Patreon is a membership platform that provides tools for creators to run a subscription content service, so that independent creators can stay sustained while they create content for their communities.
Wyngro is run solely off the efforts of one creator and a group of volunteers. It's taken an effort of 7+ years of experimenting, discovering, and creating new features and stories for members to enjoy. It is a long-term project, and a huge labor of love. So any support you can give not only helps keep it going, but can also help it grow and achieve further goals of becoming something more.
Thank you to anyone who has helped support this project.

Custom Wyngling Ticket
This ticket allows you to make an additional custom wyngling using the Wyngro Maker!
Please keep in mind you must still follow the guide and be approved by staff before you wyngro is official!

BASIC Scholarship Ticket
This ticket allows you to enter one wyngro into a Basic magic class!
(Please note: Magic classes are not guaranteed to be consistently scheduled, so make sure to keep an eye on our announcements for when they get posted!)

INTERMEDIATE Scholarship Ticket
This ticket allows you to enter one wyngro into an Intermediate magic class!
(Please note: Magic classes are not guaranteed to be consistently scheduled, so make sure to keep an eye on our announcements for when they get posted!)
Breeding Ticket

These special tickets will allow you to submit a wyngro breeding to obtain one "bred egg"!
All members can breed a wyngro one time for free to obtain a bred egg. After that, tickets must be purchased!
Read more about Breeding here!
(Please note: There is no guarantee as to what upgrades your new egg will get! It's a surprise!)

Adoption Ticket
These special tickets will allow you to submit a wyngro adoption in order to obtain an egg!
You'll need to submit two parents of any biological sex in the #breeding_approvals channel! (Check the pins!)
(Please note: Base, Eye color, Upgrades & Magic are all completely random!)
Travel Ticket

This ticket allows you to bypass unlocking Travel for any one wyngro character! Can also be used for wynglings.
If you want to apply this to one of your wyngrew, please note the group with the following information. You may do it in the same note you are confirming your payment if you wish:
Using Travel Ticket!
Wyngro's wyngling approval: [LINK]
Wyngling or adult: [LINK]
Eye Scope

This item can be used in conjunction with a wyngro breeding!
Allows the user to make a breeding roll have any eye color the owner desires. (Regardless of what the parents have)
The eye color will still be moderated to be within legal boundaries (not excessively light or dark to the point of being "pure" black or white)
In order to use this item, the person rolling the egg must have possession of this item, and must add in their form that they are using an Eye Scope. It will then be marked as USED.
*In the case of born Finns, the eye color will be moderated to be a "bright/saturated" color, as is required for that subspecies.
Dual Palette

This item can be used in conjunction with a wyngro breeding!
Allows the user to make a breeding roll give you a secondary color taken from the opposing parent the base color is not drawn from. These colors are hand-picked by staff to make sure the palettes match well and are generally appealing, so there is no guarantee you’ll get the exact color you want. It’s a fun surprise!
In order to use this item, the person rolling the egg must have possession of this item, and must add in their form that they are using a Dual Palette. It will then be marked as USED.
NOTE: This item can only be used for breedings where the two Wyngrew involved have visually different colors! It is at our discretion to refund a Dual Palette after the egg has been rolled if we find the breeding to be pushing the limits of our restrictions. Remember this is a random for fun option, and should not be used for planning your perfect gro!
Parent Color Picker

This item can be used in conjunction with a wyngro breeding!
Allows the user to make a breeding roll and choose from which parent (Mother or Father) the base color is picked from.
If the chosen mother/father's base color is too light or dark, it will be respectively darkened or lightened in order to be a legal wyngling base color.
In order to use this item, the person rolling the egg must have possession of this item, and must add in their form that they are using a Color Parent Picker. It will then be marked as USED.
This item cannot be used with the Base Blender.
*Please note that if you roll a Quill subspecies, color pallets may be tweaked to a duller pallet if colors are too neon/bright, as quills naturally have less saturated colors.

Breeding Package
Want the whole package? This comes with the following items:
Breeding Ticket
Eye Scope
Dual Pallet
Parent Color Picker
Base Blender
This item can be used in conjunction with a wyngro breeding!
When this item is used in a breeding, it will combine both parent's base colors together to create a new one!
In order to use this item, the person rolling the egg must have possession of this item, and must add in their form that they are using a Base Blender. It will then be marked as USED.
NOTE: There is no guarantee you will get an exact, split down the middle base between both parents! The base can range anywhere and may lean more towards one parent, depending on the color.
This item cannot be used with the Parent Color Picker.

Egg Warmer

This item can be used to hatch a rolled egg early!
Allows the user to hatch an egg immediately after your breeding has been completed. (So you can skip the 1-month wait)
Note the group with the following information when you want to use an Egg Warmer on an egg:
Egg Registry #000
Triple check that your egg number is correct. There are no refunds for incorrect eggs!
Make sure your note is confirmed BEFORE posting your approval!
Can be used on any egg (not only ones you own. Help your friends hatch early!)
Upgrade Marble

Allows the artist to bypass upgrade requirements any upgrade with the marble symbol on it!
This may also be used to give wynglings Adult Upgrades! (Note: CLICK HERE to see exceptions.)
Please note the group with the following information once you decide to use your item:
Wyngro Name:
Item Used:
Upgrade Applied:
Link to the Deviation displaying the upgrade:
*If the upgrade is removed from your wyngro, it either must be unlocked normally, or another Marble/Gem must be used to apply it again.
Upgrade Gem

Allows the artist to bypass upgrade requirements any upgrade with the gem symbol on it!
This may also be used to give wynglings Adult Upgrades! (Note: CLICK HERE to see exceptions.)
Please note the group with the following information once you decide to use your item:
Wyngro Name:
Item Used:
Upgrade Applied:
Link to the Deviation displaying the upgrade:
*If the upgrade is removed from your wyngro, it either must be unlocked normally, or another Marble/Gem must be used to apply it again.

Allows the artist a one-time bypass on ALL Color Upgrades listed here, allowing you to skip all requirements needed to color your gro! Essentially a fast-pass for your dream gro designs!
Rules when using this item:
This item is ONE USE ONLY.
Must have normal color requirements unlocked before you can change colors after this item is used.
Does not unlock any markings. Colors only.
Existing markings may be moved around with this application.
Can be used on both Wynglings & Adults! (Keep in mind that wynglings must always have a baby spot!)
In order to use:
You must draw a before & after image of your Wyngro's old and new colors.
No other upgrade additions may be displayed in this image.
Upload it to the group gallery under "Color Upgrades".
After approval, note the group with the following:
Wyngro Name:
Item Used:
Link to the Deviation displaying Before & After Image:
YCH Ticket

Allows the artist to apply a YCH upgrade to one wyngro of their choosing.
This does not come with commissioned art of the Wyngro, however!
Please note the group with the Wyngro you are using it on when you decide so we can mark it as used!
Not available for purchase!
(This special item is only awarded through the group on occasion)
Custom Wyngling Ticket

Allows a member to breed two Runeboos together to create a Runeboo litter! For more information on Runeboo Breeding, Click here!