Please note: This page is currently no longer relevant and existed when Wyngro was a actively run community for artists!
It exists as an old space you can visit, but no longer functions in the same way. Thank you for understanding.

No Tail

Nakey booty time!!
Wyns needed: 80
Age Requirements: 2 Months
Drawing Requirements:
Have at least 10 separate deviations of the wyngro you want this upgrade for!
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.

Tail Fur
Adding some fluff to that tail!
Wyns needed: 55
Age Requirements: 2 Months
Drawing Requirements:
Draw an icon of the Wyngro you want this upgrade for!
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Tail fur appears only on bottom of tail.
Fur only covers the first half of the tail, closest to the body!
Can only be applied to the following tails:
Standard, Whip Tail, Supple Tail, & Long Curl Tail. -
The icon you draw can be any size, but must be contained within a square!

Sleek Tail
Long loooooooooooooooooooong man!
Wyns needed: 85
Age Requirements: 5 Months
Can only be applied to: Standard Tail, Whip Tail, Fluff Tail, Supple Tail & Yittle Tail.
Tail Tips can be applied to this tail!
The Sleek Tail may only be as long as the wyngro's body. Sizes that get overly long may be asked for edits.

Whip Tail
Throw me the idol-- I’ll throw you the whip!
Wyns needed: 40
Drawing Requirements:
Animate a Wyngro wagging their tail! (Any Wyngro!)
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
This tail can have a tail tip!
The animation must be of a colored, fullbody, adult wyngro!
The animation must be a minimum of 4 frames!
Must be hand drawn animation.
Once unlocked, it is permanently unlocked for all your wyngrew!

Fluff Tail
Feeling a bit wolf-like maybe?
Wyns needed: 130
Age Requirements: 3 Months

Curled Fluff Tail
Wyns needed: 260
Age Requirements: 6 Months
The Wyngro you want this upgrade for must have the Fluff Tail applied and drawn at least once before you can add this!

Supple Tail
Your Wyngro's tail is suddenly a lot more flexible!
Wyns needed: 75
Age Requirements: 2 Months
This tail can have a tail tip!
This tail is not prehensile!
This tail cannot curl into a tight "cinnamon bun" like shape.

Puckoo Tail
This tail gets its name from looking like a Puckoo!
Wyns needed: 75
Age Requirements: 2 Months
Drawing Requirements:
Draw the Wyngro you want this tail for interacting with a Puckoo! (Or eating Puckoo meat/eggs)
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
The fin must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
Can be transparent or solid!

Chubby Tail
We can save you 15% or more on your tail insurance.
Wyns needed: 220
Drawing Requirements:
Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for "climbing" something!
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Tail tips can be applied!

Astral Tail
This tail is from beyond this plane of existence ...
Wyns needed: 888
Additional Requirements:
Your wyngrew must know both light and wind intermediate magic elements! (One wyngro knowing both or split up amongst multiple wyngrew!)
Independent magic or class magic is fine!
This tail is flat and sleek, like a ribbon!

Scruff Tail
I Can't believe your broom is also a tail.
Wyns needed: 270
Drawing Requirements: Complete This Quest with a wyngro one time in order to apply this upgrade!
Tail must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro. already on your wyngro.
This tail is fluffy only on the tip!

Clump Tail
Tail or bamboo shoot. You decide.
Wyns needed: 330
Drawing Requirements:
Complete at least 2 Nova Challenges!
Must have Chippy Tail applied first!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
Each section may be a different color.
Must have the exact amount of sections shown in the image example above.
Must have your Nova Challenges officially approved before applying this upgrade.

Bundle Tail
Tail or Christmas tree. You decide.
Wyns needed: 730
Drawing Requirements:
Complete at least 4 Nova Challenges!
Must have Bunch Tail applied first!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
Each section may be a different color.
Must have the exact amount of sections shown in the image example above.
Must have your Nova Challenges officially approved before applying this upgrade.

Long Curl Tail
It's got a little cute curl at the end! Aww.
Wyns needed: 110
Drawing Requirements:
Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for interacting with
an NPC at least once!
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.

Puddle Tail
Wyns needed: 210
Age Requirements: 5 Months
Additional Requirements:
The wyngro you want this upgrade for must know Basic Water Magic!
Fin must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
Can be transparent or solid!

Sweeper Tail
I can't believe your tail is also a broom.
Wyns needed: 360
Drawing Requirements:
Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for "cleaning" something!
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Fur only appears on the bottom of this tail!

Quill Tail
Not only a snazzy tail also the world's greatest feather duster!
Wyns needed: 300
Age Requirements: 6 Months
Additional Requirements:
The wyngro you want this upgrade for must know intermediate wind magic.
Can only be applied to pure Quills and bred Wyngrew who have at least one pure Quill parent
Only one row of large flight feathers
Feathers must be the colour of the body they grow from when first applied.

Leaf Tail
You'll never beleaf the tale I will tell you...
How to Obtain:
Occasionally available on July 19th.
Tail must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
Tail must have rounded edges to it and should not appear sharp!
Tail must show little veins on the top-side of it. The underside has none and is smooth.

Bunch Tail
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch!
Wyns needed: 510
Drawing Requirements:
Complete at least 3 Nova Challenges!
Must have Clump Tail applied first!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
Each section may be a different color.
Must have the exact amount of sections shown in the image example above.
Must have your Nova Challenges officially approved before applying this upgrade.

Ribbon Tail
You must have gone on quite the journey, to have such a tale on your return.
Wyns needed: 815
Drawing Requirements:
Draw one of your wyngrew on a journey! They must be portrayed in panned out environmental scene!
Drawing Requirement MUST be a Polished Piece.
Scene must focus mostly on the background. Your character should appear very small in comparison. (See examples)
Due to the nature of the requirements, the drawing you make for Ribbon Tail cannot be counted toward independent magic or breeding images as the characters are intended to be indistinguishably small.
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

Cinnabum Tail
Frosting not included.
Wyns needed: 320
Additional Requirements:
Draw something wyngro related on a blown up balloon!
You can use sharpies, paints.. whatever you want!
This tail is always curled up!
Can be any color already included on your wyngro.
Can have any markings added upon application that are already on your wyngro.

Prehensile Tail
That extra hand the quads of this world need
Wyns needed: 550
Age Requirements: 3 Months
Drawing Requirements:
Make a clay sculpture of any Wyngro related creature with the purpose of "holding" an object, like a pencil or coins! Make sure the sculpture is finished and painted/colored to the best of your ability!
Tail Tips can only be applied to the following tails: Regular Wyngro Tail, Chubby Tail, Sleek Tail, Whip Tail, and Supple Tail!
A wyngro may only have ONE type of TAIL TIP applied!

Elegant Tail Tip
For those wyngrew who are always dreaming, even when awake.
Wyns needed: 160
Drawing Requirements:
Draw the wyngro you want this upgrade for and include a rainbow......somehow.
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Must be a Base, Secondary, Accent, or Elegant Hair color currently on your wyngro.
The rainbow must be a part of the artwork and not simply an afterthought added in for the requirement!

Feathered Tail Tip
All the birds sing words, And the flowers croon!
Wyns needed: 60
Drawing Requirements:
Animate the Wyngro you want this upgrade for leaping somehow!
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
The feathers must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
The animation must be fullbody/colored and no less than 5 unique frames!
Must be hand drawn animation.

Webbed Tail Tip
Thank you for nothing, you useless tail tip.
Wyns needed: 60
Drawing Requirements:
Animate the wyngro you want this upgrade for swimming!
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
The webbing must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
The animation must be fullbody/colored and no less than 5 unique frames!
Must be hand drawn animation.

Barb Tail Tip
Some just love that classic devil / dragon look!
Wyns needed: 80
Additional Requirements:
The wyngro you want this upgrade for must know Intermediate Fire, Water,
Wind or Earth Magic.
The barb must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
This tailtip is made of the same substance as horns and nails!
Must be one solid color always.

Split Tail Tip
To split yourself in two,
is the most radical thing you can do!
Wyns needed: 95
Drawing Requirements:
The wyngro you want this upgrade for must be drawn in a fight with another wyngro!
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
The fight can be physical, or just verbal (arguing).
The wyngro your gro gets into a fight with must be an official wyngro (or NPC) not owned by you.
Elemental TAIL TIPS
The following tail tips require the Wyngro you want these upgrades for to have successfully completed specific elements!
Tail Tips can only be applied to the following tails: Regular Wyngro Tail, Chubby Tail, Sleek Tail, Whip Tail, and Supple Tail!

Flame Tail Tip
This tail tip is somewhat shaped like a flame!
Wyns needed: 100
Additional Requirements:
Basic Fire Magic required for the Wyngro this upgrade is for!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
This tail tip is flesh, not feathers or fur!

Spade Tail Tip
Simple yet modest.
Wyns needed: 100
Additional Requirements:
Basic Water Magic required for the Wyngro this upgrade is for!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
This tail tip is flesh, not feathers or fur!

Bubble Tail Tip
Cute bubbly fluff!
Wyns needed: 100
Additional Requirements:
Basic Wind Magic required for the Wyngro this upgrade is for!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
This tail tip is flesh, not feathers or fur!

Leaf Tail Tip
Tail tip in the shape of a leaf!
Wyns needed: 100
Additional Requirements:
Basic Earth magic required for the Wyngro this upgrade is for!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
This tail tip is flesh, not feathers or fur!

Crystal Tail Tip
Shimmering and brilliant a true natural gem of a tail..
Wyns needed: 200
Additional Requirements:
Intermediate Ice Magic required for the Wyngro this upgrade is for!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
Can be transparent, or solid!
This tail tip is made of the same substance as horns and nails!

Zigzag Tail Tip
What a shocking kink you have in your tail!
Wyns needed: 200
Additional Requirements:
Intermediate Lightning Magic required for the Wyngro this upgrade is for!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
This tailtip is made of the same substance as horns and nails!

Dagger Tail Tip
Sharp and righteous, like the blade of our lady Chii.
Wyns needed: 200
Additional Requirements:
Intermediate Light Magic is required for the Wyngro this upgrade is for!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
This tail tip is flesh, not feathers or fur!

Crescent Tail Tip
Such a sinister tip, no wonder it resembles the moon.
Wyns needed: 200
Additional Requirements:
Intermediate Dark Magic required for the Wyngro this upgrade is for!
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
This tailtip is made of the same substance as horns and nails!

Are you a switcher or a ditcher? Time to change things up!
Wyns needed: 0
How to use the Switcher-Ditcher Upgrade: The Switcher-Ditcher upgrade is used when you want to either remove an upgrade entirely, or move it from its original position. In order to use this upgrade, follow the rules below:
You must have at least 5 deviations of this wyngro uploaded to the group with its current upgrade(s) clearly visible before applying a change.
In your description, list that you are using this upgrade: Switcher-Ditcher, and then link 5 deviations where you can clearly see the upgrade you are removing or changing.
This upgrade is the only way you can move markings around! Marking colors can change color as you move them around if need be, so long as they are base, secondary or accent colors that already exist on your wyngro.
Switcher-Ditcher can be used to replace one type of ear for a new one! (It can either remove things or replace them!)
If using the Switcher-Ditcher on more than one upgrade, your 5 deviations must show all of them clearly, and each one must be listed out.
Downgrades are not compatible with this upgrade. See requirements for those separately.
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.