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Please note: This page is currently no longer relevant and existed when Wyngro was a actively run community for artists!

It exists as an old space you can visit, but no longer functions in the same way. Thank you for understanding.


Below are all the upgrades that are not obtainable by normal means! These are extra special, and often considered unusual in wyngro society, or might even be mutations!


Event Upgrades

Event Upgrades can generally only be earned through taking part in special events, such as Warptide! They can also be won through contests, and certain ones are put up as commissioned upgrades at times! 


Third Eye

Keep your third eye open!


How to obtain:



  • Third eye must be located as the example shows

  • Eye Sclera must be the same color as the other eyes (If Colored Sclera is applied)

  • If your wyngro has heterochromia, it must be one of the two eye colors. 

  • Magic gland on third eye must be on the top portion.

  • Third eye can be slightly smaller than the other two eyes, but not bigger. 

Grabby Tail

Very useful if two hands are just not enough!


How to Obtain:



  • Hand must be clawed like the example. Not pawed. 

  • Cannot apply upgrades to the tail. (Defined claws, Feather Tufts, Tail Fur, etc.)

  • Cannot be made longer with the Sleek Tail upgrade


Yittle Tail

Whispers of a truly spiteful tail...

How to Obtain:



  • Entire tail must be the same color from which it sprouts from. 

  • Tail tips cannot be replaced. 

  • Can be combined with Sleek Tail.

  • Cannot be combined with any back spikes or Imp Mane. 


Wicked Horns

"Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"

How to Obtain:



  • Horns must be alternating two colors. (So black & orange, or red & green for example)

  • Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • Wicked Horns must curl in a backwards motion. 

Beast Claws

RWAR! Give your Wyngro a set of furry paws with large claws!

How to obtain: EVENT ONLY


  • Fur & Paw pads must be a base or secondary color already on your wyngro when first applied.

  • Claws must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • These are placed on the front arms/feet only.

  • Thumbs can be applied and appear as a 'claw' thumb!

  • As of 2018 all applied Beast Claws have two claws only. Any beast claws applied before 2018 may keep the grandfathered 3 claws. 

Beetle Wings


Grows from "Tiny Back Wings"


Hidden wings underneath a beetle-like shell!


How to obtain: EVENT ONLY


  • Although flight is able, it's very limited and Wyngrew usually can only hover or rise temporarily with them.

  • Wing membrane must remain like the example art. ​

  • Wing membrane can be transparent or not. 

  • The light parts of the wing membrane can be any color you want! 

  • The color used on the wing membrane cannot be color-mixed to any other place later. 

  • Shell color must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Loomee Antennae

Is there a little loomee on your head?

How to obtain: EVENT ONLY


  • The outline of the Loomee Antennae must be black. The top portion must be thicker.

  • The empty spaces may or may not have color.

  • The color may be any color that does not obscure the details of the antennae.

  • If colored, only one color may be used.

  • If they contain color, it must be a transparent color so that it appears see-through.

  • This color cannot be moved or added elsewhere via color-mixers.

  • Loomee Antennae are not compatible with any other antennae, Carnage Horns or Crown Brow.

Dynasty Horn

Display this horn with pride!

How to Obtain: EVENT ONLY


  • Can only be placed on nose

  • Must be the same color from where it sprouts from

  • Can only appear as one of the examples above


Deela Tendrils

Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss?


How to Obtain:




  • Two wriggling tentacles on each cheek, below the ears and along the jaw line. 

  • Must be similar thickness and length to the example above. 

  • Must be the same color from where it sprouts from. 

  • Cannot be combined with cheek fluff or spikes.


Deela Grin

Look at the monster you've become...


How to Obtain:




  • Two holes in the cheek that grow from the corner of the mouth.

  • Can be given to one side of the cheek or both.

  • Can see the inside of the gro's mouth and tongue.

  • Two holes, as shown in the image example. No more, no less


Mop Tail

A hybrid between the Sweeper and Finn tail!


How to Obtain:




  • The furry top portion must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • The top furry portion and the bottom must be distinguishable from one another / different in color. 

  • The bottom skinned portion of the tail must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • The two pronged end must always be visible.

  • Compatible with Sleek Tail & Shaggy Fur!

  • The underbelly portion of the tail is always hairless.

  • Cannot have tail tips applied. 


Stitcher Tail

In spite of what you may have heard, it prowls for those both skinned and furred.


How to Obtain:




  • Stitcher Tail has 3 spikes on the bottom base of the tail! 

  • Must be one solid color when first applied.

  • Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • Cannot have tail tips applied. 

YCH Upgrades

YCH (Your Character Here) upgrades are earned through auctions! The highest bidder on an auction will receive the upgrade and art of their character with said upgrade. YCH upgrades cannot be traded between characters or removed and reapplied at a later stage after bought.

YCH Upgrades first appear as flat sales on out $20 tier on Patreon first! So sign up if you want a better chance to grab one!


Carnation Swirl Ears

Cute medium sized cat-like ears with swirls!

How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • Insides must ALWAYS be pink!

  • Must be small and triangle shaped. (Not drawn large/long like the Coatala Ears, for example)

Double Carnation Swirl Ears

Dual ears? All the better to hear you with, ma dear!

Prerequisite: After your wyngro has had Carnation Swirl Ears applied for 3 months or more, they can grow into these!


  • Insides must ALWAYS be pink!

  • Bottom sets of ears are smaller than the top set

Quill Ears

When your wyngro just wants to "bird"


How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • Primary (outside) feathers must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

Finn Ears

When your wyngro just wants to "fish"


How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • Can be transparent or solid webbing

  • Webbing must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.


Eterii Ears

Higher than the highest cloud~

How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • These ears can be two different colors when first applied. (one color for each section of feathers!)

  • Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • These ears are extremely long and are always floppy. 

  • Wyngling version drags on the ground! (very long indeed!)

  • Cannot be applied to Gorges or Finns.


Myurin Frill

Deeper than the deepest trentch~

How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • Can be transparent or solid webbing

  • Webbing must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

  • Default state is down. The frill stands up when the wyngro is startled or excited!

  • Cannot be applied to Quills.

Scorp Tail

No poison, but boy that tip is SHARP and dangerous!


How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • When first applied, you can use up to four colors (sectioned off in the image) already present on your wyngro. 

  • Default position is curled like in the example, though this tail can be somewhat flexible and move to certain emotions. 

Marbled Markings

These fit so nicely onto you, like a puzzle piece.

How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • Markings should not appear more swirly than the example image. 

  • Pattern should appear in large chunks on the body, and not have small segments isolated/floating aimlessly. 

Flutter Ears

Making hearts go aflutter since 2017.

How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • Inside colored portion can be ANY color you want! (But cannot be moved elsewhere later)

  • The black rings must remain black.

  • Please follow the general shape displayed above.


Foof Tail

100% cotton


How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • Should not be any bigger than a wyngling nub tail with poofy fur around it. (Don't draw it huge!)

Finn Tail

I think your Wyngro is now 30% fish. Congrats.


How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • Can be either 'pudge' or 'frilly' variety.

  • Colors must be already on your wyngro.

Swimmer Fins

Ahh yes, a truly majestic fish you are now. 

How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 



  • These appear on your wyngro's back but are NOT WINGS. They're fins! 

  • Can be either the 'juicy' or 'sharp' variety

  • Both 'juicy' and 'sharp' variety can be solid or transparent.

  • Your wyngro cannot have any kind of back wings when these are applied. 

  • They can however, have full grown arm wings.

  • Must be rather short on the body and not nearly as large as full wings. (Should not stretch out past a bipedal wyngro's arm length, for example) 


Boogaloo Tail

I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching.


How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade!


  • The Boogaloo Tail cannot change color or have markings added on. It is too perfect. 

  • The "eyes" are markings and not actual eyes. 

  • The white fur on the bottom can grow longer with the "Shaggy Fur" upgrade!

  • The "eyes" cannot have different expressions or be altered. (Follow the upgrade image!)


Butt Wings


Talk about flying by the seat of your pants...


How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade! 


  • On wynglings, Butt Wings must look like Tiny Back Wings.

  • On wynglings, Butt Wings must be a solid color, either base or secondary. 

  • On adults, they may look like either Medium Back Wings or Medium Feathered Back Wings.

  • On adults, the secondary color of the feathers / webbing may be any base, secondary or accent color.


Prong Stubs

Baaaby DEER doo doo doo doo doo doo


How to obtain: YCH Auction

Join the $20 tier on Patreon to have a chance to purchase this rare upgrade!


  • Prong Stubs must be segmented off from the skin they sprout from. 

  • They can be a Base, Secondary, or Accent Color already on your Wyngro!

  • Must be very short!

Prong Stubs: Upgraded!

Prong Stubs are a unique YCH upgrade that can evolve into one of four different options! Below are the upgrades you can choose from for a Wyngro you obtain Prong Stubs on.

In order to obtain the horns below, your wyngro must be an adult and may only have ONE type of HEAD HORNS or PRONGS applied! You can downgrade these Prongs (ex: Zigzag Prongs back to Prong Stubs) via the "Switcher-ditcher" requirements.


Beam Prongs

Beam me up, Sammie!

Age Requirements: 3 Months

Drawing Requirements: Draw your wyngro with Prong Stubs in 3 separate deviations.


  • Your wyngro must have the Prong Stubs upgrade applied before applying this one!

  • Must be segmented off from the skin they sprout from. 

  • They can be Base, Secondary, or Accent Color already on your gro!


Antler Prongs

For your very own Great Prince of the Forest

Age Requirements: 6 Months

Additional Requirements: The wyngro you want this upgrade for must know at least 1 Basic magic.

Drawing Requirements:

Draw the wyngro you want this upgrade for having to make a difficult choice.


Must also have 5 separate deviations of this wyngro with Beam Prongs or Twig Prongs.


  • Your wyngro must have the Beam Prongs or Twig Prongs upgrade applied before applying this one!

  • Must be segmented off from the skin they sprout from. 

  • They can be Base, Secondary, or Accent Color already on your gro!


Twig Prongs

Are you a little Deerfox?

Age Requirements: 4 Months

Drawing Requirements: Draw your wyngro with Prong Stubs in 5 separate deviations.


  • Your wyngro must have the Prong Stubs upgrade applied before applying this one!

  • Must be segmented off from the skin they sprout from. 

  • They can be Base, Secondary, or Accent Color already on your gro!


Zigzag Prongs

I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha!

Age Requirements: 6 Months

Additional Requirements: The wyngro you want this upgrade for must know at least 1 Basic magic.

Drawing Requirements:

Draw the wyngro you want this upgrade for taking part in an argument or heated debate.


Must also have 5 separate deviations of this wyngro with Beam Prongs or Twig Prongs.


  • Your wyngro must have the Beam Prongs or Twig Prongs upgrade applied before applying this one!

  • Must be segmented off from the skin they sprout from. 

  • They can be Base, Secondary, or Accent Color already on your gro!

Special Unreleased Upgrades:


The following upgrades have been released throughout the years as exclusive "unreleased" upgrades via special perks, events, and other means. Every upgrade listed below has every intention to comes to the group in other ways for the future (whether it be as regular achievable upgrades, event, YCH, Patreon, quest, etc.). 

Many of these upgrades are achievable through a special potion game that rolls a rare upgrade in exchange for an unwanted egg.

Please note that the value of each upgrade may vary in the future, but all are currently unreleased outside of our special egg potion game! 


Back Bark

Tick tock.......


Wyns needed: 0

How to Obtain: Heart Kindle 2022 Event or through Egg Potion Games.


  • The "bark" lies flat against the back normally, but can stand up when the wyngro is surprised or excited!

  • The edges of the bark are rough, giving the edge a frayed appearance. 

  • 3-5 piece of bark may be added. No more or less than that. 

  • They do not deviate from the spine.

  • They do not appear on the tail. 


Accordion Markings

Use this marking accordionly...


How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • Accordion Markings must be placed only on the limbs and tail. 

  • Compatible with the following tails: Standard, Sleek, Fluff, Curled fluff, Chubby Tail, Sweeper Tail, Astral Tail, Scruff Tail, Ribbon Tail, Grabby Tail. 

  • Accordion Markings must be placed on surfaces of your gro that do not interfere with other markings/placements/upgrades to look cut off and unrecognizable. 

  • You do not need "Unlimited Markings" in order to apply this! 



F is for friends who do stuff together!

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • The nubbins at the ends of these antennae can be any color already on your wyngro!

  • These are very short antennae!


X Shaped Pupils

X Marks the spot!

How to Obtain: Heart Kindle 2022 Event or through Egg Potion Games.


  • Pupils must remain black!

  • Both pupils must be the same shape (keep the design symmetrical)!


Ribcage Wings

If the rumors are true, than dark magic is afoot...

How to Obtain: Special Staff Perk of 2017 & Egg Potion Games. 


  • Must be a darker color than the wyngro's base. 

  • This wing has a history of being tied to families who  tampered with dark magic, but are the rumors true? 


Confetti Ears

Tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999!

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • There are two  sections on the inside of this ear.  The "inner" portion must be black or very dark. The "outer" potion may be any color already on your wyngro!

  • Make sure the ends are squared off, like Piñata Tufts!


Kindrin Ears

Otherwise known as "Chonky Donkers".

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • These ears are quite heavy and cannot be raised up or have any kind of mobility. 

  • The spikes on the ears may be any color already on your wyngro. 


Craggy Crest

The night is dark and full of terrors.

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.



  • Spikes may be any color already on your wyngro. 

  • Must be exactly 5 spikes along the forehead, with the ones on the side short, the largest in the center.

  • Cannot be combined with the following upgrades: All Horns, All Antennae, Elegant Hair, Hair Tuft, Webbed Head Frill, Third Eye, Royal Mane, Feather Masque, Crylo Crest.


Squagwack Tail Tip


How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • This tail tip has a large hole in the middle of it. ...Weird.

  • Make sure all four sides have a little nubbin on it.

  • This tail tip has many conspiracies about it. 


Splint Antennae

I thought I heard, you were a bird?

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • This upgrade removes any eyebrows. 

  • Can be any color already on your wyngro. 


Plumb Ears

This ear = Adorable.

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • Plumb Ears must always have a black tip to them!

  • Plumb Ears must always be standing upright! (And not to the side of the head)


Ribbon Tassles

The bird of paradise is an elegant bird, it likes to be seen and it loves to be heard~

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • ​Small feathers must be placed in front of the tassels. 

  • Tassles themselves may be any color currently on your wyngro. 

  • Cannot be combined with the following upgrades: Swimmer Skirt


Craggy Collar

Darling, you're looking 'gorge'ous!

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • Spikes may be any color already on your wyngro. 

  • Must be exactly 5 spikes along the neckline, with the ones on the front short, the largest on the back.

  • Cannot be combined with the following upgrades: Earth Spikes (shoulder portion), Nobel Neck Fluff, Neck Scrunge, Neck Spikes, Myurin Frill. 


Cinder Stamp

We're sayin' HOT HOT HOT!

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • Cannot be combined with other back stamps.

  • Has 4 different varieties! 

  • Cannot be combined with upgrades on the back that would obscure the stamp. 


Wish Antennae

I wish I wish, I were a fish.

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • This upgrade removes any eyebrows. 

  • Can be any color already on your wyngro. 

  • This antennae curves back behind the wyngro's head. 


Curl Ears

You're on a roll!


How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • Ears must be the same color from where they sprout from.

  • Ears must be curling in the same direction as the image above!


Crylo Crest

The pompadour of the crest family!

How to Obtain: Special Egg Potion Games.


  • This upgrade is incompatible with the following upgrades: All Horns, All Antennae, Webbed Head Frill, Third Eye, Crown Brow, Royal Mane, Craggy Crest.

  • This horn's default look has a gradient tip to it! This may or may not be added upon application. 

  • The gradient tip may be any color already on your wyngro .

Patreon Upgrades


Patreon upgrades are a special thank you upgrade given to our patrons! Each month reveals a new upgrade, where they will cycle through each year. Join our $15 tier on Patreon if you're interested in supporting the group, and snagging a cool exclusive upgrade while you're at it! Patrons may add this upgrade to one adult wyngro. 

These may also be applied with Upgrade Marbles/Gems, if for some reason Patreon is inaccessible for you, or you want to apply this upgrade to more than one gro!

If you'd like to apply one of the upgrades below on a wyngling, you'll need to use an upgrade marble/gem while on patreon!

Disclaimer for Patreon Upgrades:  If you drop a tier or leave Patreon before your upgrade is manually approved by staff, it will not be approved! There is no guarantee we will get through last minute applications by the end of the month, so please be patient. If you get charged another month due to not getting approved on time, please note that we do not issue refunds on Patreon subscriptions. Thank you for understanding. 

Current Patreon Upgrade(s):

Last Chance!


Fury Mark

I live. I die. I live again!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of NOVEMBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Must be black or very dark when first applied, as this is the canon look of the upgrade! (Can be color-mixed later!)

  • Mark should have exactly three spikes!

  • Other Markings cannot touch the Fury Mark or interact with it.

  • Gradient cannot be applied.

  • Cannot be combined with Feather Masque or Porcelain Face.

  • Fury Mark is always laid on top of placements/colors.



Flood Mark

I'm not crying you're crying!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of NOVEMBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Must be black or very dark when first applied, as this is the canon look of the upgrade! (Can be color-mixed later!)

  • Mark should have exactly three spikes!

  • Spikes may be textured like Stripes or Streaks!

  • Other Markings cannot touch the Flood Mark or interact with it.

  • Gradient cannot be applied.

  • Cannot be combined with Feather Masque or Porcelain Face.

  • Flood Mark is always laid on top of placements/colors.



Starburst Tail

The More You Know


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of DECEMBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • This tail appears to be several tails, but it's actually one tail that branches off into different tufts, so they cannot move independently! 

  • Must be the same color from which it sprouts from when first applied. 

  • Must be 5 tufts. No more or less. 

  • Tail should remain in the upright position most of the time, with only small differences in how it is displayed. 

  • Not compatible with Starburst Tail: Sleek Tail, Shaggy Fur, Feather Butt. 

Upcoming Patreon Upgrades:

Check out the upgrades coming in the upcoming months!



Sheer Wings

Every time a wyngling laughs, a wyngro gets their Sheer Wings!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • ​These wings are hard sheaths that have a flexible transparent webbing that comes out when in flight or startled! 

  • They create flight by rapidly flapping!

  • The sheath can be any color already on your wyngro.

  • The wings should appear translucent and of a very light, solid color void of markings.

  • Sheer Wings on wynglings are not flight able, but might allow them to buzz into a hover for a few seconds!

  • Cannot be added to Finns.



Flossy Feet

Magnificent keeper of the crystal creep, give to us your eternal sleep. 


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0



  • Fur must be clearly separated from the rest of the limbs. 

  • Fur must be a Base, Secondary or Accent color already on your wyngro.

  • Incompatible with: Arm Wings, Pointed Elbows, Stick Legs, Ori  Legs, Swimmer Scales, Pinata Tufts, Feather Tufts, Earth Spikes & Shaggy Fur. 

  • Must add at least one indication of a curl in the fur. 

  • Can be added to front limbs only, back limbs only, or all limbs.

  • Cannot be added to Quills, Finns or Gorges.



Belly Scales



How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of JUNE to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Belly scales must be a base or secondary color already on your wyngro when first applied. 

  • Must resemble the image example. Scale amount does not need to be exact, so long as it looks similar.

  • Applying this will remove any chest stamps. 

  • Cannot be added to Quills.

  • Noble Neck Fluff & Royal Mane cover the top. Belly scales may be added underneath! 

  • Belly Scales stop at the base of the tail for all but the standard tail. 

  • Gills are not compatible with Belly Scales that go up the neck. 



Thrasher Tail

We're gonna need a bigger tail...


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Cannot be combined with any upgrade on the tail area. 

  • Can be any Base, Secondary or Accent color already on your wyngro

  • Top portion of the fin is always longer than the bottom. 

  • Must resemble the overall shape depicted in the upgrade art as close as possible!




Perfect for shredding turtles.


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of JULY to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Gauntlets may be any one color already on your wyngro when first applied.

  • Only applied on the front arms.

  • Must resemble the image example. Exactly 3 spikes!

  • Cannot be added to Quills or Finns.

  • Paws and claws both compatible with Gauntlets. 

  • Not compatible with Imp Armor, Beast Claws, Ori Legs, Fluffy Limbs, etc. 


Primal Beak


This beak is dino-mite!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • On wynglings, make sure the top part of the beak is the baby spot color!

  • Primal Beak may be any base, secondary or accent color already on your wyngro.

  • Both sides of the beak must be the same color when applied. (not including the baby spot on wynglings) They can be color mixed to be different colors later.  

  • Not applicable to imp subspecies.



Crescent Stamp

When there's no where to hide, change the tide. 


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of OCTOBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • One big cresent shape, either on your wyngro's chest or back!

  • The crescent shape must be facing the correct direction like in the upgrade example.

  • Make sure to view the rules on Stamps in general when applying this upgrade!



Flood Mark

I'm not crying you're crying!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of NOVEMBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Must be black or very dark when first applied, as this is the canon look of the upgrade! (Can be color-mixed later!)

  • Mark should have exactly three spikes!

  • Spikes may be textured like Stripes or Streaks!

  • Other Markings cannot touch the Flood Mark or interact with it.

  • Gradient cannot be applied.

  • Cannot be combined with Feather Masque or Porcelain Face.

  • Flood Mark is always laid on top of placements/colors.



Starburst Tail

The More You Know


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of DECEMBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • This tail appears to be several tails, but it's actually one tail that branches off into different tufts, so they cannot move independently! 

  • Must be the same color from which it sprouts from when first applied. 

  • Must be 5 tufts. No more or less. 

  • Tail should remain in the upright position most of the time, with only small differences in how it is displayed. 

  • Not compatible with Starburst Tail: Sleek Tail, Shaggy Fur, Feather Butt. 



Wisp Markings

Yee hee hee... Don't lose your way...


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Wisp Markings must be placed only on spots that are shown on the image above!

  • They can be placed in one or all sections as desired.

  • Wisp Markings must appear thick like the image, and not thin lines. 

  • Swirls must be placed on surfaces of your gro that do not interfere with other markings/placements/upgrades to look cut off and unrecognizable. 

  • Patrons do not need "Unlimited Markings" in order to apply this! 

  • Cannot be placed on ears or tails that make it difficult to see the shape. 



Webbed Head Frill

You wanna stand out? Why not Head Frill?


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • The webbing between each "spike" can be transparent or solid. 

  • Each spike can be any base, secondary or accent already on your wyngro.

  • If applied to a grow with Elegant Hair, the frill pokes out from the hair!

  • Cannot be added to Quills.

  • Cannot be combined with the following upgrades: Glowing Antennae, Tiny & Long Horn (forehead version), Chip Horn & Notch Horn.

  • The frill is slicked back against the head when resting, but flicks up when the gro is excited/angry/emotional, or swimming!

  • Stops at the back of the head. Does not go down the neck. 

  • Markings can be placed on the webbing or spikes, so long as they are not cut off or unrecognizable. 



Wisp Horns

Don't you wisp you had these horns?


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • ​No eyebrows can be used with this upgrade.

  • Can be added to wynglings! No starter horns needed. 

  • Wyngling horns can be a maximum of two different colors. Adult may be a maximum of 3.

  • Cannot be combined with Horn Stubs or any horn that grows in that spot.

  • Cannot be combined with Feather Masque. 

Cycled Out Patreon Upgrades:

Past Upgrades that were cycled out for a new upgrade the following year. They may reappear in a later year!

September 2019


Back Bumps

Would you like some gator to aid your tail?


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of SEPTEMBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Cannot be combined with the following upgrades: Bastion Shell, Razer Shell, Imp Armor (on back only), Swimmer Fins, Leaf Plates, Butt Wings & all back wings.

  • Bumps must go all the way down the back, from the shoulder blades to the butt.

  • Adding them to the tail is option for adult standard & chubby tails ONLY.

  • Bumps can be any color already on your wyngro.

November 2019


Pompom Antennae 

Pon pon way way way pon pon


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of NOVEMBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • These antennae are rounded, instead of flat, like tufts of fur sprouting from one another!

  • Only one type of antennae may be applied at one time. 

  • These are placed in the same spots as horns! 

  • Cannot be combined with Horn Stubs / Prong Stubs / anything that grows from them.

  • Must be 3 segments of fluff.

  • First tuft (bottom) that on head must be same color from the area in which it sprouts from. 

  • Second tuft (middle) can be any secondary color on wyngro.

  • Third tuft (top) can be any secondary or accent color on your wyngro.

February 2020


Harlequin Ears

Whatever you say, Mistah J!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • ​Ears must be the same color from where they sprout from.

  • Ears have limited mobility and should not stand up straight or droop completely down.

JULY (2019-2020)


Swimmer Skirt

Up where they walk... up where they run...!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of JULY to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • The fishy fin part of this upgrade may be transparent or solid, but must be a single color with no markings.

  • Any part of this upgrade may be any color already on your wyngro. 

  • Cannot be applied to quills. 

MAY (2019-2020)


Blade Ears

Some gro's always trying to ice skate uphill!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of MAY to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Blade ears are rather flat! (So they can appear very thin from other angles)

August (2019-2020)


Ponch Tail

All hail the magic ponch!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of AUGUST to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Spikes must look how they appear in the image example! (One large in the middle)

  • Spikes should not be lined off.

  • The tail does not uncurl or coil up in any extreme way. 

  • Tail Tips cannot be added to this tail. 

  • Back spikes cannot be added to this tail.

November 2020


Sorrow Mark

I think your mascara is running...


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of NOVEMBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Must be black or very dark when first applied, as this is the canon look of the upgrade! (Can be color-mixed later!)

  • However, this colour cannot be color mixed later unless officially added to your Wyngro.

  • Mark can be as thick or as thin as the image depicts.

  • Other Markings cannot touch the Sorrow Mark or interact with it.

  • This Mark connects under the chin!

  • Gradient cannot be applied.

  • Sorrow Mark is always laid on top of placements/colors.

January (2019-2020)


Swirl Markings

Now you really are a little cinnamon roll~


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Swirls must be placed only on spots that are shown on the image above!

  • They can be placed in one or all sections as desired!

  • Swirls must appear thick like the image, and not thin lines. 

  • Swirls must be placed on surfaces of your gro that do not interfere with other markings/placements/upgrades to look cut off and unrecognizable. 

  • Patrons do not need "Unlimited Markings" in order to apply this! 

  • Cannot be placed on ears or tails that make it difficult to see the swirl. 

March (2019-2021)


Carnage Horns

Legend has it, these horns come from a long line of vicious carnivores! 


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • ​No eyebrows can be used with this upgrade.

  • Can be added to wynglings! No starter horns needed. This is an isolated horn upgrade. 

  • Does not pass down Horn Stubs through breeding. They are their own upgrade.

  • Can be applied with the optional color shown in the image above (however, this colour cannot be color mixed later unless officially added to your Wyngro) or can be any color already on your wyngro. 

  • Can be combined with any horn upgrade! 

  • Cannot be combined with Feather Masque. 

July (2021-2022)

November (2021-2022)


Feather Crest

Cup not included.


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during this month to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Cannot be combined with the following upgrades: Glowing Antennae, Webbed Head Frill, Elegant Hair, Hair Tuft, Imp Mane (on head) & Royal Mane.

  • Cannot be added to quills with smooth crown.

  • The crest is slicked back against the head when resting, but flicks up when the gro is excited/angry/emotional!

  • Stops at the back of the head. Does not go down the neck. 

  • The top feathers are the same color from where they sprout from. The longer feathers can be any Base, Secondary or Accent color already on your wyngro. 



Fury Mark

I live. I die. I live again!


How to obtain: Patreon

Join the $15 tier on Patreon during the month of NOVEMBER to apply this upgrade to one of your wyngro!

Wyns needed: 0


  • Must be black or very dark when first applied, as this is the canon look of the upgrade! (Can be color-mixed later!)

  • Mark should have exactly three spikes!

  • Other Markings cannot touch the Fury Mark or interact with it.

  • Gradient cannot be applied.

  • Cannot be combined with Feather Masque or Porcelain Face.

  • Fury Mark is always laid on top of placements/colors.

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