Please note: This page is currently no longer relevant and existed when Wyngro was a actively run community for artists!
It exists as an old space you can visit, but no longer functions in the same way. Thank you for understanding.

Welcome to the Baby Upgrades! All of the upgrades below can be given to Wynglings!
Please remember, wynglings can only get upgrades from this page!
All of these upgrades are also able to be given to adults, so you do not HAVE to earn them as Wynglings!
How do I get upgrades?
In order to apply the upgrades, you will need to have the correct amount of wyns BEFORE you add an upgrade!

Hair Tuft
Accessible after your Wyngro is approved. Welcome to the group, now give your Wyngro some style!
Wyns needed: 2
Hair Tuft must be short. (Click here to see examples!)
Hair Tuft must be the same color as where it sprouts from!
The tuft on your Wyngro's head should not look like a wig, and not separate from the head like human hair.

Cheek Fluff
Hairy Baby! Hairy baaabyy.
Wyns needed: 5
Drawing Requirements:
Draw a colored fullbody wyngro that is not owned by you! A gift art!
Drawing Requirement can be a Colored Piece or Polished Piece.
NPCs do not count for the requirment!
Cheek Fluff & Cheek Spikes cannot be combined.
Fur cannot be curly/wooly!
Cheek Fluff must remain short.

1 Accessory!
Dressed for success~
Wyns needed: 6
Drawing Requirements:
Draw your Wyngro with their new accessory and write a short story about how they got it!
(Story must be at least 100 words! Count your words here!)
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
YES: Scarf, goggles, bow tie, bells, bandanna, hat, necklace, ring, gloves, ribbons, glasses, flowers, a bandage, etc.
NO: Shirt, pants, hoods, masks, shoes, socks, shawls, cloaks, makeup/tattoo, skulls, magical items, toys, anything to resemble upgrades, etc.

Wyngling Ranch Neckerchief
I'm right you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it!
Wyns needed: 1
Additional Requirements:
Only applicable for wynglings born in Last Notch's "Wyngling Ranch" hatchery!
Must be the colors depicted in the image above!
Must be worn on the neck.
Wynglings living in the Wyngling Ranch must adhere to Tal'baa's strict dress code!

Paw Pads
Palm beans!
Wyns needed: 10
Drawing Requirements:
Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for, involved in a Monthly Prompt!
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece. (depending on what MP you draw for!)
Pawpads must ONLY be placed on PAWS, not CLAWS!
- Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
Paw pads must only be shaped like the three examples above.
Must be one solid color always.

Pupils are no longer considered an "Upgrade"!
You are free to draw all your wyngrew characters with or without pupils at your leisure.
Please make sure to not use Unusual Shaped Pupils or Color the Pupils, as those are still separate upgrades/features.
By default, all official art will reflect characters with pupils, but please feel free to be loose with whatever style you're comfortable with in your own art. ♥

Tiny Horn
Time to poke gros with your FACE!
Wyns needed: 20
Age Requirements: 3 Weeks
Drawing Requirements:
Complete at least 5 colored fullbody gifts!
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
NPCs do not count!
Horn must be the same color of the skin it's sprouting from!
Must be very small!

Chip Horn
A chip off the ol' block!
Wyns needed: 200
Additional Requirements:
Your Wyngling must have residency in Last Notch.
Exactly like "Tiny Horn", but with a small chip on the bottom!
Can only be used as a forehead horn!
Must be the same color from where it sprouts from.

Baby Teef
All I want for mah birfday is mah two front teef!
Wyns needed: 15
Drawing Requirements:
Draw the wyngro you want this upgrade for eating their favorite food or snack! (NOT drink!) Can be a real human food or made-up food!
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Wyngling only upgrade. (Adults may have the same style when applying the "Teeth" upgrade)
Only teeny teeth! As shown in the example.
Essentially the same upgrade as "Teeth" upgrade, but baby teef cannot grow longer/change until the Wyngling has grown up.
Baby Teef automatically become Teeth when your Wyngling grows up into an adult.
Teeth should remain natural colors! (white/off-white)

Give your Wyngro facial freckles!
Wyns needed: 55
Age Requirements: 1 Week
Drawing Requirements:
Draw your Wyngro being embarrassed about something!
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Should appear only around the eyes/nose.
Must be slightly darker shade of the color on your wyngro's face. (not dramatically darker)
This "Freckle color" cannot be color mixed later. It is an exception and only allowed to be used in this instance.
A secondary or accent colour may replace the freckle colour if color mixer is used.
Freckles must not merge with existing colors on your wyngro's face.

Tiny Back Wings
Warning: Not a flying wing
Wyns needed: 25
Age Requirements: 2 Weeks
Must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro
Can only be a SINGLE color!
They must stay tiny!
These wings ARE NOT FEATHERED. Think of them as ear nubs placed on the back.

Body Fluff
Fluff that bod!
Wyns needed: 100
Age Requirements: 2 Months
Drawing Requirements:
The Wyngro you're adding body fluff for needs to have at least 1 digital AND 1 traditional drawing of it.
Drawing Requirements must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
It can be applied to only one area if desired! (Like only neck, tummy, etc)
Fur can't be curly/wooly!
Do NOT apply to arms/legs!

Tiny Feathered Arm Wings
Baby burd!
Wyns needed: 65
Age Requirements: 2 Weeks
One visible layer of feathers only!
Feathers must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

Tiny Webbed
Arm Wings
Baby feesh!
Wyns needed: 65
Age Requirements: 2 Weeks
Tiny Webbed Arm Wings can be transparent, or solid!
Wing webbing must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

Butt Fluff
Add some fluff on dat butt!
Wyns needed: 75
Drawing Requirements:
Draw the Wyngro you want this upgrade for interacting with 3 different wyngrew not owned by you!
Drawing Requirement can be a Colored Piece or Polished Piece.
This can be 3 separate images, or one big one!
NPCs don't count!
Cannot be combined with Butt Spikes
Fur can't be curly/wooly!

Butt Spikes
Want me to end up looking like you? Cactus butt!
Wyns needed: 180
Age Requirements: 1 Week
Drawing Requirements:
Draw any of your wyngrew interacting with at least 6 different Wyngrew! (Not owned by you!) This can be 6 separate images, or one big one!
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Cannot be combined with Butt Fluff
Spikes must be the same color from where they sprout.

Cheek Spikes
What cheeky little spikes.
Wyns needed: 160
Age Requirements: 1 Week
Drawing Requirements:
Complete at least 10 fullbody gifts!
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
NPCs do not count!
Must be three pointed spikes: no more, no less!
Cheek Fur and Cheek Spikes cannot be combined.
Spikes must be the same color from where they sprout.

Neck Spikes
Disclaimer: Do not wear with scarves.
Wyns needed: 170
Age Requirements: 1 Week
Drawing Requirements:
Draw and upload at least 3 deviations of any Wyngro with traditional art 3 times! (paper & Pencil, painting, crayons, anything!)
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Cannot be combined with Noble Neck Fluff or Royal Mane.
Spikes must be the same color from where they sprout.

Waggle Tail
The perfect tail for wagging!
Wyns needed: 80
Age Requirements: 2 Months
Drawing Requirements:
Draw your Wyngro in a "play bow" pose!
Drawing Requirement can be a Sketch, Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Must be kept SHORT and STUBBY!

Chippy Tail
A chip off the ol' block!
Wyns needed: 200
Age Requirements: 1 Month
Drawing Requirements:
Draw any wyngro breaking something! On purpose? By accident? Be creative!
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.
Tail must look the same through adulthood!
Inheritable Upgrades
All upgrades below cannot be added to your wyngling. You wyngling must be born with these!

Odd Wings
You little oddball!
Wyns needed: 0
Additional Requirements:
You may only add these to a Bred Wyngro who was born with a magical quirk.
Passed down from Baffle & Bewilder Wings!
Wings can be transparent or solid.
The inner webbing must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
The feathered parts of the wing must be the same color of the skin that it sprouts from!
Follow the image example for sizing.

Baby Buggy Wings
When your child is truly a pest.
Wyns needed: 0
Additional Requirements:
Inheritable through breeding only!
Passed down from Buggy Wings or Beetle Wings!
These wings must be white and transparent! -
Must be very teeny.

Tiny Feathered Back Wings
Baby burd!
Wyns needed: 0
Additional Requirements:
Inheritable through breeding only!
Passed down from Medium or Large Feathered Back Wings!
Two visible layers of feathers!
Top/short feathers must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color already on your wyngro.
The longer/pin feathers on the ends may be a different color! (Base, secondary, or accent!)

Tiny Webbed Back Wings
Baby feesh!
Wyns needed: 0
Additional Requirements:
Inheritable through breeding only!
Passed down from Medium or Large Webbed Back Wings!
Wings must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.
Can only be a SINGLE color!
It's Tiny Back Wings, but sharp!

Nugget Wings
Otherwise known as "Fingee Wingees"
Wyns needed: 0
Additional Requirements:
Inheritable through breeding only!
Passed down from Finger Wings!
Has two little nubs on the ends!
Wings must be a Base, Secondary, or Accent color currently on your wyngro.

Grow up!
Your Wyngro learns how to adult!
Wyns needed: 15
Age Requirements: 1 Month
Drawing Requirements:
Draw and upload at least 3 fullbody colored drawings submitted of the wyngro you wish to grow up!
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.

Are you a switcher or a ditcher? Time to change things up!
Wyns needed: 0
How to use the Switcher-Ditcher Upgrade: The Switcher-Ditcher upgrade is used when you want to either remove an upgrade entirely, or move it from its original position. In order to use this upgrade, follow the rules below:
You must have at least 5 deviations of this wyngro uploaded to the group with its current upgrade(s) clearly visible before applying a change.
In your description, list that you are using this upgrade: Switcher-Ditcher, and then link 5 deviations where you can clearly see the upgrade you are removing or changing.
This upgrade is the only way you can move markings around! Marking colors can change color as you move them around if need be, so long as they are base, secondary or accent colors that already exist on your wyngro.
Switcher-Ditcher can be used to replace one type of ear for a new one! (It can either remove things or replace them!)
If using the Switcher-Ditcher on more than one upgrade, your 5 deviations must show all of them clearly, and each one must be listed out.
Downgrades are not compatible with this upgrade. See requirements for those separately.
Switcher-Ditcher can be used on any upgrade a wyngling has applied.
Drawing Requirement must be a Colored Piece, or Polished Piece.