Are u ready to noodle?

Spaghetti Hair
Meatballs included as an accessory
Wyns Needed: 10
Drawing Requirements: Draw your wyngro brushing spaghetti
No, not their spaghetti hair. Draw them brushing an actual bowl of spaghetti please.
Meatballs can be any color already on your wyngro.
Noodles can only go to length of shoulders. Any longer and spoodles will get you.
Condition with sauce every day to prevent split ends.

Noodle Stache
You'll never be the Dragon Warrior, unless you lose 500 pounds, and brush your teeth.
Wyns Needed: 111
Drawing Requirements:
Draw your wyngro imitating their favorite NPC.
The NPC has to be behind them unknowingly as they imitate them.
Noodle Stache must be uneven to keep balance in the universe.
Lip must be puckered at all times to keep a stiff upper lip.

Fusilli Beard
Ah sì, la mia barba è la cosa migliore del mondo.
Euros Needed: €200
Drawing Requirements: Draw your wyngro holding a concert on their balcony.
If they do not have a balcony, tell them to get good.
Your wyngro cannot go outside to preform this concert.
This is a wheat based beard, so your gro cannot be gluten intolerant.
No other pasta type is allowed or you'll be fined.
Any complaints may be addressed to our Italian branch of opperations.

Maca Brows ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You know you want some.
Wyns Needed: 95
Drawing Requirements: Animate your wyngro wiggling their eyebrows.
They must be wiggling their eyebrows after telling a really bad pun or an inappropriate innuendo.
Make sure to write down what they said in the description.
They don't stop wiggling. Just keep wiggle.
They provide a nice emergency snack during desperate times.
Perfectly paired with Macaroni Markings for that extra cheesy flavor.

Pappardelle Tail
You assed for this, right?
Wyns Needed: 555
Drawing Requirements:
Draw your wyngro attempting to pronounce Papparaelle.
Thickness of tail must not be fatter than a fucking lasagna okay?
Tail should not touch the ground for longer than 3 seconds.
If your wyngro pronounces Papperadeli correctly they're lying to themselves.

Shell Ears
You can hear the ocean with these ears!
Wyns Needed: 300 shells
Drawing Requirements:
Draw your wyngro selling seashells by the seashore.
She must be sure she sell shells by the seashore.
If no one buys her shells, they can go to hell.
This upgrade will not help you get a damn Finn.
Don't undersell your shells.
$5 minimum for all shells. Doesn't matter how shitty you think your shells are.

Shell Shell
Spoons not included.
Wyns Needed: 0
Drawing Requirements: Draw your wyngro playing BEYBLADE© with a wyngro not owned by you!
Make sure to let it rip.
The shell is made of shell and is a shell.
Keeps your gro cool in the summer and is great for the beach.
Can be used to attract ponches.

Permanent Bowtie
Prim and proper pasta will prosper
Wyns Needed: 0
Drawing Requirements: Draw your wyngro tap-dancing on a table
The table in question must have your favorite pasta dish ontop of it.
The table must be occupied by two gros on a romantic date.
Your wyngro must be kicking the pasta dish off the table in this image.
This bowtie is permanent now. Cannot remove later.

Penne Nails
These nail are on point! Penne for your thoughts?
Wyns Needed: 300
Drawing Requirements: Draw your wyngro going to the spa and getting a manicure or a pedicure. (Or both!)
Don't bite these nails. ...They bite back.
Don't read in Spanish.
These nails get soggy and fall off when using water magic.
Fill them with your favorite beverage and drink out of them like a straw I dunno.

Cannelloni Wings
It's a bird, it's a plane... wait, it's PASTAMAN.
Wyns Needed: 600
Drawing Requirements:
Draw your wyngro in a superhero custom composed only of pasta.
These are in fact: Not Cannoli. Please only fill with cheese, NOT cream.
Comes with angel hair pasta but only if your wyngro is pure of heart.
Do NOT use evil pasta types.
With great pasta, comes great responsability.

Tubular Eyes
Haven't you ever wanted binocular vision?
Wyns Needed: 0
Drawing Requirements:
Draw your wyngro peepin' on someone with they peepers.
Other optional names for this upgrade in wyngro society are: Ocular Orzo, Noodle Peepers, Starch Sight, Tubey Bois.
Cannot use VR. Sorry. :(
They cause a starch contrast to everything you see.

Swaggon Wheels
They see me rollin... they hatin...
Wyns Needed: 360°
Drawing Requirements: Draw your wyngro as a car.
Make sure to tell us what brand of car in the description.
Beware of Sunday drivers.
Remember that life is a highway.
Bipedals must be segways.
Stairs are for fucking chumps anyways.

Macaroni Markings
The best upgrade to Kraft your new dreamgro!
Wyns Needed: 450
Drawing Requirements:
Make macaroni art of anything wyngro related, and take a picture of your masterpiece!
Make sure your photo is clear enough to see the lovely noodles!
Any dried pasta works. Even the shitty buckwheat ones they nobody has taken at the store.
Markings must be cheesy. Or die.
Staff must get hungry looking at your piece or you won't get approved.
Only one gro you own can obtain this savory marking, so choose wisely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!