What is Sap?
Sap in the world of Wyngro is what we know as alcohol. Getting drunk is referred to as “being Sappy” or “Sapped”. Being sappy is a Wyngro who’s feeling the effects of the beverage, (As opposed to getting tipsy), where as saying, “You’re sapped out”, would implicate a Wyngro has had enough and might be about to pass out.
Wyngrew even have pubs and taverns that specifically serve sap beverages. These are known as “Tapperys”.
The main difference is that sap itself is made from tree sap which is naturally alcoholic.
The alcoholic properties of unrefined tree sap are far less than what you would purchase in store or at a Tappery. Nevertheless, a wyngro desperate for sap can get somewhat sappy from drinking enough sap directly from the trees. These wyngrew are often referred to as a “tree lickers”. For example, a wyngro who sees another wyngro drinking tree sap directly might say “Go get a job you tree licker!”
This is also pretty unsanitary and won’t give you much of an effect, so it’s a pretty desperate and look down upon method.
How is Sap Harvested?
Proper sap harvesting is done through a spout inserted into the tree using earth magic. The sap is then taken away where it is boiled down and reduced to a stickier and more potent consistency. It is during this phase that sap brewers will add special ingredients to the sap, such as various berries, mushrooms, herbs and so on. These recipes are usually a well kept family secrets that are passed down from generation to generation. Wyngrew often use magic as well to brew well refined sap, so there’s a lot of detail and effort that comes into this occupation!
These tappers often work in conjunction with the local loggers, saving trees that produce particularly good sap from harvest (usually quite old, large trees), while marking trees that produce less to be cut down. This phenomenon has lead to great forest husbandry in most wyngrew-populated areas, preserving old woods while also keeping them healthy by ‘pruning’ excess wood and undergrowth.
Of course over-tapping can also lead to the death of priceless, decades-old trees, so many tapper families only allow those with at least Intermediate Earth Magic to collect sap. If a tapper has been found to be over-tapping (or worse: become a tree-licker), they are usually forbidden from ever working with the trees again, or even disowned from the family.
Tapperies are where wyngrew can go to purchase sap. During the day these are merely stores, but many Tapperies will have a place where adult wyngrew can gather together, listen to music and live performances, dance, eat and have fun in the evening. These are strictly adult only gatherings and wynglings cannot get in.
Disclaimer: Please DO NOT draw any Wynglings drinking sap and/or feeling “sappy”.
Uses in Wyngro Society
Unrefined sap can be used for more than just getting sappy. The natural alcoholic properties of sap make it useful as a disinfectant as such it is good to dilute sap in water for cleaning and disinfecting wounds.
Sappers Anonymous
"Chii’Falla, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
courage to change the things which should be changed,
and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other."
-Sappers Anonymous Serenity Prayer
A gathering of wyngrew who have a sap problem and, contrary to their group’s name, introduce themselves and talk about sap. These groups are usually quite welcoming and supportive, with long-time ‘dry taps’ willing to mentor those who are having trouble staying away from sap.
Faith and Chii’Falla can play a large role in some of these meetings, depending on the location. But no matter where one of these gatherings is held, or whichever group of local wyngrew is involved, the key goal is supporting one another is gaining a better quality of life and continuing the absence of sap.
The Rattle’s Rest
The most popular tappery in Wynsiph. A nice quiet place in the early evening mostly populated by tired farmers and workers alike getting a drink before heading home, while the late night scene is more populated by the younger crowd who tend to get a bit more lively.
The Rattle’s Rest is open to all Wyngrew, of all ages during the daytime. Adults are told to be civil during this time and can be booted out if too sappy at an early hour.
After curfew Wynglings are strictly prohibited as they should be asleep in their homes or at the Nook. With parental allowance, they could technically tag along, but Tappers will often frown upon this or ask these parents to leave.
This Tappery also serves as a nice meeting spot for Wyngrew to get together and chat, as well as enjoy a meal!


Cold Shower
Sap Status:
Consuming this sappy drink gives you icy chills all over your body. Having a few too many of these often results in wyngrew believing they have mastered the art of ice magic.

Cheep's Stuff
Sap Status:
Nothing comes cheaper than Cheep's! With a very artificially sweet taste you'd be surprised by just how potent this sap is! Wynglings pretending to be adult like to pour syrup into glasses and pretend they're drinking this sap.

Love Potion 42
Sap Status:
A drink for two wyngrew to share, though lonely wyngrew can drink it alone.
This unique drink with it's sweet lighter than air foam is not actually a potion, and won't actually make you fall in love, but it is the perfect drink to share with a partner!

Sailor's Swamp
Sap Status:
This drink looks like it tastes terrible... But it sure does get you in a sappy mood quickly...

Spiced Sap
Sap Status:
This spicy drink is hot enough to make your mouth smoke! The careful blend of saps with spicy foods like charberries and ember snaps is more than some wyngrew are able to handle. For added flair many bartenders will serve these drinks on fire!

Blecku Beer
Sap Status:
The petals seen floating in this bubbly sap are more for show than for flavor. The real trick to this drink's taste is the slightly sour nectar collected from the blossoms. Fancier varieties of this sap will remove the nectar using magic and candy the blossoms before putting them in the sap.