Quest: Rattle Cattle Wrangle
Lasso leads you into the barn where a couple of cows are waiting in stalls, chewing absentmindedly on some hay. There’s already a short stool and a metal pale set up.

Lasso: Alright, string-bean, you’ll be helping me with Miss Daisy here. She’s a sturdy ol’ girl, so she shouldn’t give you any trouble.
You peek out the entrance to the barn, inquiring if you can help with wrangling the bulls instead?

Lasso: *looks at you funny, then laughs* Hahah, you’re quite the bold biped, aren’t ye?

Lasso: But no no honey. You’re better suited for this work. Could really use those delicate fingers of yours, after all! *She wiggles her thick claws on her front feet at you*

Lasso: Now come have a seat. *Gestures at the stool* The trick is to gently pinch up top with two fingers, and then gently squeeze with your other fingers in a downward motion. But do not pull down on her udder, or she won’t be happy with ya!
Daisy moos playfully in acknowledgement.

Lasso: Awww hahah, looky there, she likes ya! Now partner, *she gives you a motivating slap on the shoulders* don’t let me down!

Rules for Questing:
Draw your wyngro milking a rattle cow! Are they having a good time, or are they upsetting poor Miss Daisy? You can be flexible with it. Be creative!
Include Lasso and/or Miss Daisy the rattle cow somewhere in the piece!
Make sure your drawing conforms with our "Polished Piece Guide"!
Submit your piece to our "Quest Gallery" found here!


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