Quest: Do it for Ernie:
( Join in on the bald jokes )
Well, everyone's doing it. So why not. You want to fit in, afterall!
You throw out a joke making fun of Ernie's bald head, and are feeling pretty witty about it for a second before you notice the glares given to you by the entire room.
Ernie: ….! (waves his hands in an 'abort!' gesture)
The two large men in the corner that were roasting Ernie the hardest suddenly stand straight up, fist gripped in anger. You shrink back and suddenly feel as if you have made a very big mistake.
Cletus: What did you say about our Ernie?
Earl: You got something against the owner of the Quarry's Ori, pal??
You gulp. You had no idea that was the owner. You wave your hands to indicate you mean no harm, but they don't seem to back down.
Cletus: Ain't NO ONE messes with Ernie in this town, bub!
Earl: Yeah, no one but his friends, so ya better shove off if you know what's good fer ya!
You take the opportunity to leave as quickly as possible. Whew, you sure misread those signals! You decide to come back at a later date… and never insult Ernie ever again.
Rules for Questing:
Draw a scene using this prompt as a guide! You can be flexible with it. Be creative!
Make sure your drawing conforms with our "Polished Piece Guide"!
Submit your piece to our "Quest Gallery" found here!
Once your piece has been submitted, don't forget to pick up your rewards to the left!
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