Quest: Do it for Ernie:
( Stand up for Ernie )
You've had enough. This poor guy has been pelted with insults since you came in, and it's just not fair! Bullying is wrong! You stand up with a start, and everyone goes quiet as you march over to Earl and Cletus. They don't seem nervous at the slightest, and raise a brow at your serious nature as you tell them to stop taunting the poor tapkeeper. You notice Earl look to Cletus with an all-knowing gaze.

Cletus: Ya hear that, Earl? Seems our behaviour is unacceptable to this out-o-towner.

Earl: Seems to be. In fact, I smell the stink of a farm-gro in this here partner. Wander in from Wynsiph, have ya?

Cletus: Hey Earl, I heard them Wynsiphers cry at the slight of a broken potato. Don't be too hard on em'. Might start sobbing and telling us how hard it is to seal an envelope. Bwahaha!
You can't believe these two! Now they've just redirected thor insults onto you, but it somehow feels… meaner than it was with Ernie.

Ernie: ...
Ernie seems to be cleaning a glass and watching carefully at the interaction. Perhaps he is deciding if this will get out of hand or not to step in, or maybe he's letting them insult you. How will you deal with this awkward situation now?

Rules for Questing:
Draw a scene using this prompt as a guide! You can be flexible with it. Be creative!
Make sure your drawing conforms with our "Polished Piece Guide"!
Submit your piece to our "Quest Gallery" found here!


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