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Pronunciation: like “knock”
Plural: Nocs
Baby Noc: a “Nocette”
A group of Nocs: A "Family" of Nocs
Purpose: Bred solely for companionship & show. Otherwise useless.
When first discovered, the slow, defenseless, non threatening creature you see before you was researched thoroughly wyngrew of history. Dubbed “NOCs” which stood for a “non optimal creature” at the time, due to their complete and utter uselessness in wyngro society.

Back in the day, creatures were gathered and tamed based on their usefulness in a wyngro’s livelihood. “NOC”s were usually left alone, discarded or simply caught for food and nothing else. This referred to all creatures found to be not worth the trouble of taming.
Many researchers were baffled as to why these creatures were even able to survive at all, due to their lack of survival traits and intelligence. Many believed them to have hidden magic that protected them, leaving their bodies weak and frail since they did not need it for survival.
However, during the dark times of the early Warp Storms, when wyngrew felt lost and grieving for their families that had been killed or transformed, a great depression lingered for many years. These “NOCs”, the wyngrew citizens discovered, were easy to tame and care for, and gave them much comfort.
Although finally finding purpose, the name Noc just stuck.
In present day, Nocs are a semi-popular pet, more commonly seen in settlements with drearier climates, where their adorable looks and actions can brighten up an otherwise hard life. In large cities these pets are also popular due to their easy going nature.
They have extremely low needs for care or feeding when compared to runeboos or coatala. Nocs can be completely happy and healthy with just eating a few candy sweets a day, and require little to no no grooming or exercise. As long as they are feed and socialized with, they will be happy, healthy pets.
Anatomy & Temperament:
As far as any wyngrew can tell, nocs seem to have been made for hugging. (And since being domesticated, this is indeed a trait that breeders favor)
Their large arms and paws are soft and they seem always willing to embrace and hug any wyngrew that wants one, almost instinctually. They are a sweet, harmless species that would never hurt anything, and seem more than content to serve as a in-house cuddle bug.

Uses In Wyngrew Society
They are easy to train, and content to nap or play with toys given to them when left home alone for short periods of time. Though nocs can get extremely lonely if left alone regularly, so it’s recommended to have two in such a situation. There’s usually no need to be cautious introducing a new Noc into the home, as most Nocs all have the same happy-go-lucky temperament and thrive on companionship.
One of the biggest issues when owning a noc is their neediness. They are almost like having a little wyngling around that never grows up. Loneliness has even led to severe sickness and death for the worst cases of neglect, so buyers must be very committed to time spent with these pets.
Nocs seem to have been a flight-able creature at some point in their evolutionary history, but the only hint to that is the small now-useless wings on their heads. Nocs now seem far more apt to climbing trees instead of flying, their double-paw pads and large paws making for strong grippers, while their diminutive legs and climbsyness when walking makes them nothing more than targets for predators on the ground.
Paws have strange textured paw pad “strips” that are very useful in gripping things and climbing. Nocs can even be trained to retrieve objects and bring them to their wyngrew owners. However, beware that training this will often cause a noc to bring their owners random items to them for no reason other than to receive praise.
They are very sensitive creatures, and so excessive yelling or physical harshness can discourage a noc so badly that they will curl up and have a hard time doing something willingly in the future. Wyngrew with short fuses are advised to get a Runeboo instead.

Variety & Features:
Nocs most often have soft, pastel colors or whites covering most of their body!
A Noc’s head wings most commonly grow just as nubs, (They’re solid, and not actually feathery) but some of the more thoroughly bred Nocs can have small feathered wings, webbed wings, or even baffle wings! (Much of where the “Baffle Wings” gets its name!)
Although most nocs are tailless, some varieties do sport tails. These tails are so thin they look like a thick string. They’re a very sought after trait in the noc breeding world.
Nocs don’t usually have very complicated patterns or markings. Freckles, splotches, and patches may occur, but they’re usually pretty basic. Stripes are considered very rare and difficult to breed into the species.

How to Obtain a Noc?
So now that you know all about Nocs, how do you go about getting one?
Nocs can be obtained in a couple of different ways, so let's check them out!
Kalypso is the best place to find quality any kind of pet! She hand raises them and makes sure they all have evan temperaments-- ready for their new homes!
Nocs are not as common as Coatala and Runeboos, so keep a sharp eye out!
(Make sure you are watching the journals on the Wyngro DeviantArt group, because we will update her shop journal when new Runeboos become available for purchase!)
The Trading Post is a place where members may post apet they bought and couldn't connect with. They may be willing to trade for other items or even art! So this is a great place to stop by and have a look from time to time! Just make sure to read the rules!
The Trading Post can be found HERE!