Intermediate Abilities
INTERMEDIATE abilities can be learned through the same methods as BASIC abilities! However, your wyngro must have completed the prerequisite basic magics before attempting intermediate magic!

Fire Magic

Fire Resistance
Protect yourself from burns!
Prerequisite: Basic Fire
How to learn: This skill is often one intermediate fire teachers save for last, as it requires the student to be a real master at manipulating flames and having no fear of getting burned. Many call learning this ability a “trial by fire”, as at this point students must literally handle flames as close as possible to their bodies without getting burned.
Most teachers begin by lighting candles and having students practice keeping their fingers fire-resistant while passing through the small flame before working up to bigger challenges. Other teachers are more fond of the “chuck a fireball and let them figure it out” method, requiring students to go through a more grueling gauntlet of fire.
Usage: Fire resistance is a priceless skill for many professions, such as blacksmithing, fire fighting, and even mining in certain volcanic locations. Or even fighting off fire bandits and enemies!

Limitations: Intense emotion often causes a wyngro to fail in properly negating fire and instead causes the flames to grow more intense. Many wyngrew struggle with this skill, as while many fire skills intensify with passion, this particular skill requires more of a cool head and sharp awareness of what’s going on around you.
Making one’s entire body fire resistant is a massive drain, so learning exactly which parts to make ready to resist fire at any given time for maximum effect is a must. Example: Protecting your face is the easiest. Not only because it's the most vulnerable, but it's also easiest to see coming at you! Most wyngrew can generally do so at most for a half hour if well-practiced in this skill before needing to stop.
Smoke Manipulation
The ability to move and warp smoke to your will!
Prerequisite: Basic Fire
How to learn: Manipulating smoke may be a more difficult task than warping fire itself for some students, as this is a lesson more on shifting heated air cooler than a living flame. Others (who are a tad more ‘cool-headed’ instead of hot-tempered) may find it easier! Building up a large smokey bonfire with green (live) wood, branches, and leaves can provide ample smoke for students to practice with. Those with a more individual or indoor approach often choose incense sticks or simple candles for a more refined lesson.
Usage: Many find manipulating smoke to be a fun pastime to entertain themselves, but manipulating smoke is also an extremely important ability when it comes to creating long-distance emergency smoke signals, or keeping smoke from the lungs in dangerous fire hazard situations.
Limitations: Manipulating smoke is one of the more refined fire talents some Wyngro find difficult, as working with hot air instead of fire directly requires focus and calm. Working with more than a ‘handful’ of smoke at a time is tough for those that don’t diligently practice, and colder smoke that’s dissipated and far from its source fire is often nearly impossible, even for advanced magic users to work with.

Fire Breath
Exhale flames through your breath!
Prerequisite: Basic Fire
How to learn: This skill’s success greatly depends on how well a Wyngro has practiced and mastered the basics. It’s largely these skills that will allow a Wyngro to properly breathe fire, and take the first step in learning how to make themselves immune to flame.
The first step to learning is breathing exercises, most teachers having their students practice with simply heating the air in their lungs and exhaling onto ice or chocolate at a distance to melt the substance in a fun exercise before moving onto blowing smoke and then real flames.

Usage: For quads breathing fire is much more convenient than having to use their hands to throw fireballs! Breathing fire is also very effective intimidating tactic to keep enemies from daring to come too close (or giving them a very nasty surprise if they do, though many frown on seriously injuring another Wyngro in such a way unless one’s life was at stake!). For most Wyngro, breathing fire is simply a cool trick to impress one’s friends with.
Limitations: Fire breathing can be a dangerous pastime for Wyngrew who don’t keep their skills sharp, especially before a Wyngro learns to make themselves impervious to flames. Burned tongues and mouths are the most common accident when fire breathing, as most learn to create the flame in their mouth instead of actually in their lungs until they master higher level Fire Magic. A Wyngro can only breathe out as much fire as their lungs can exhale in one go, and doing so too many times in quick succession can cause a Wyngro to get incredibly dizzy or pass out from hyperventilation. Fire breathing can only create fire very close to the Wyngro working the magic, often making it a double-edged sword with just as many tactical drawbacks as advantages.

Incinerate Objects
Burn it up! Make any object go up in flames from a distance!
Prerequisite: Basic Fire
How to learn: Most teachers utilize a local lake or large pond to practice this skill, having their students make little wooden boats and setting them afloat before attempting to set the little constructs on fire. Focus and the ability to judge the depth of field is extremely important and can take a while for a student to learn.
Usage: From lighting firecrackers at a safe distance to burning up an attacker, using fire at a reasonable distance from yourself is a surefire way to keep yourself from having things backfire. This ability is particularly useful for wyngrew who have a hard time learning the Fire Resistance ability.
Limitations: Beginners can find themselves easily exhausted trying to incinerate things farther than a few yards away, and even masters can struggle to light something on fire beyond 40 yards from their body. Wyngrew are also limited to only being able to set on fire what they can clearly see as using this magic without a clear line of sight can be disastrous. It's also almost impossible to incinerate objects in motion.

Water Magic

Water Propulsion
Let the water take you! Manipulate the water to move yourself through it!
Prerequisite: Basic Water
How to learn: Wyngro who already know how to swim will have an easier time with this ability. Most teachers require their students to at least know how to float in water (or own some floaties!) before schooling them in water propulsion, as generally most smaller villages and towns use rivers and lakes to practice this ability where water depth can vary, while Wyngro in larger cities may have access to artificially crafted pools with safer depth levels. Having students propel themselves around a calm lake is most beneficial for learning this ability safely.
Usage: Learning to hoist themselves up in a body of water is a stepping stone in learning how to walk on it completely! Wyngrew usually use this ability for all sorts of water activities. One of the more popular uses for this is in diving and collecting treasures below lakes and oceans! Wyngrew are able to quickly propel themselves up to take a breath. Many lifeguards patrolling the beaches during the day for Wynglings having fun in the water are also usually very proficient in this ability.
Limitations: Holding their bodies up in a body of water takes a lot of adrenaline at first. Young Wyngrew learning this ability will often find themselves exhausted and falling back in once they start to relax. It takes years of training the body and the mind in order to really gain endurance for controlling the water around you without losing balance and falling back in.

Conjure Waterspouts
It’s like your own personal mini hurricane power!
Prerequisite: Basic Water
How to learn: Waterspouts are one of the more impressive displays of water magic. They start very small at first. Tiny little tornados in the water smaller than a Wyngro’s hands.
Teachers will often have a Wyngro use water magic to make a whirlpool motion in the water and manipulate the water up and keep spinning it. It’s very difficult to get the hang of, especially if the user is prone to becoming impatient.
Usage: A lot of Wyngrew use this ability for radical surfing opportunities and having fun or showing off, but it has its practical purposes as well. Fisherman will use waterspouts to deter unwanted water predators away from their fishing spots, and those extremely talented in this ability can sometimes even scoop fish right out of the shallow water and into their nets! It’s also a fun way to raise the water up and let it rain down for a refreshing mist!

Limitations: Waterspouts take a lot of patience and concentration, so any distraction can quickly lose them their spout in a second. Extremely talented in this ability are able to create giant waterspouts, but making one bigger than you takes a lot of endurance and training. It’s also very difficult to maintain one for more than a few moments at a time.

Conjure Whirlpools
Create a suction underwater for many uses!
Prerequisite: Basic Water
How to learn: Creating whirlpools, surprisingly, is a tad harder than creating waterspouts as pushing water against the weight of more water instead of just air is quite draining and takes a lot of practice to build of decent stamina to make whirlpools of any impressive size. Many teachers use smaller ponds or pools in beginning classes to avoid too much water weight needing to be moved to create a decent enough whirlpool.
Some teachers without such luxuries of local ponds have their students ‘whirlpool’ different fruit juices together in a fun game to see who can make the best mixed drink. More gifted students usually test their mettle (with or without teacher consent) out on a lake and play a game of ‘spin the boat’. Whoever spins their opponent's small rowboat boat enough to make their competitor fall into the lake first is victorious!
Usage: Mischievous Wyngrew have been known to use this technique to easily suck their friends underwater and dunk them. Wyngrew more adjusted to a ‘feral’ lifestyle (or just like catching fresh fish for themselves while swimming) often use small underwater whirlpools to suck fish in their direction.
Limitations: Creating little whirlpools for short durations is easy, but making larger whirlpools can be a massive drain as the exertion of moving so much water even with the flow of other water quickly wears even masters out. Beginners tend to only be able to create whirlpools the size of their own body at most, and strictly only at the surface of the water, while masters can create deeper whirlpools as large as boats! If only for a limited time. This ability tends to drain faster than most, forcing most to take long rests between each whirlpool.

Walk on Water
Boats? Where we're going, we don't need boats...
Prerequisite: Basic Water
How to learn: One must learn to crawl before they can walk. Beginners often learn this technique first only using one hand and pushing down against water in a bucket, with the goal being to keep the water ‘pushing back’ to hold the hand’s weight, instead of letting the hand sink through like it would normally do. Once a Wyngro gets the general idea of how the magic works, teachers move practice to a larger body of water, and it’s generally agreed calmer waters are better for slower learners, while having students keep their balance standing on rolling incoming waves at the beach can be a fun way to learn!

Usage: Walking on water can be a very convenient way of quickly moving across areas of water without swimming, but most tend to agree this still is most useful in boggy, swampy areas where mud and grime along with hidden obstacles like sunken logs would be hard to walk through in the murky water; walking over all of that by just walking on the water makes swamp trips much safer and less of a hassle! Plus walking on water leaves a bipedal Wyngro’s arms (or a quadrupedal Wyngro’s back) free to carry items safely and dryly from Point A to Point B!
Limitations: Though walking on water looks to be easy for those not doing it, the exertion can actually be quite exhausting. The focus and magical effort required to keep one’s body from ‘falling through’ into the water can be very draining, and many beginners often make the mistake of losing focus by trying to do too many things at once (Staying on top of the water, walking, talking, trying to splash a friend) and simply get dunked! Even masters of this technique often seem to be ‘absentminded’ or humming small tunes to themselves as they get to their destination to avoid outside distractions, especially when they don’t want to accidentally go for a swim!
Wind Magic

Use air to keep yourself off the ground!
Prerequisite: Basic Wind
How to learn: The beginnings of learning how to essentially float start here! Levitation, once learned can be an exciting ability, but it takes a lot of patience. Students begin learning by getting a great sense of balance. Standing on a tall log with one foot while manipulating the wind around you in order to keep yourself steady is a great exercise.
Many teachers will have their students place one foot out where there is no surface and manipulate the wind so that their foot feels as if it’s stepping on something. (but it’s just a powerful wind pushing up at them) This is hard to learn because the wind can miss and shoot up at your face, throwing off your whole balance, or it’s too powerful and causes you to flip backwards. There are so many variables in getting levitation right, that no one ever can do it the first try.
Usage: Levitation obviously has many uses. The biggest being a stepping stone to being able to eventually float/glide through the air as a form of flying! Levitation can also be used to boost one's self up higher to reach an item, or walk across a gap. Not just used to levitate your body in the air as you can see, so the possibilities are endless!
Limitations: Levitation is one of those abilities that unfortunately not everyone gets, and takes a lot of practice every day in order to find balance. One of the biggest limitations to new Wyngrew using this ability is the way it is affected by mood. If the individual gets distracted by a stray thought, or is more frustrated than usual, they’ll fly all over the place. This one is also pretty taxing and takes a long time to build up endurance, so Wyngrew starting out usually can’t levitate for longer than a minute or so.

Create suctions with wind to pull things closer to you!
Prerequisite: Basic Wind
How to learn: The easiest way to manipulate vacuums is to start with the ones you already have--your lungs! Breathing in and out, getting the feel of how to pull air in, these are the first steps to understanding how to create vacuums outside the body. Focusing on a small patch of space to the front of you and keeping it empty of air takes some concentration, but the suction should be strong enough to attract a small bit of dust, fluff, or other light material. Sneaky teachers may have Wind magic students tidy up the classroom while learning this ability under the guise of ‘practice.’
Create Vacuums

Usage: Of course, the power of portable suction makes keeping a clean house a cinch, especially in rural areas where machines aren’t common. Can also help with things that are wedged or stuck and just need a little extra pulling power to be freed--Never worry about stuck-on jar lids again! For the more scientifically-minded Wyngro, vacuums are also useful for creating lightbulbs and conducting other kinds of experiments.
Limitations: Vacuums are not black holes! Practicing this ability will not result in the entire nearby landscape being uprooted and attracted to the user, though more advanced Wyngrew may accidentally dislocate some furniture. The longer the vacuum is sustained, of course, the more draining, and beginners can only suck up small or light things for short periods at a time. Keeping the area of effect small is also key...too large, and you may find it suddenly very hard to breathe!

Form clouds no matter the weather!
Prerequisite: Basic Wind
How to learn: Creating clouds is all about changing the air pressure. Knowing a bit of water magic can help, as clouds are mostly water vapor, but wind experience is what makes the real clouds form! Focus on changing the pressure, and cooling the air to give the cloud form. Making a series of tiny poofs like ‘smoke rings’ is a good place for beginners to start!
Usage: A tiny cloud makes for a perfect sunshade while also leaving your hands free, or a refreshing puff in the face on a hot day. More experienced Wyngrew can also make ‘cloud balloons’ in different shapes, or cover larger areas with clouds to obscure or hide things.
Limitations: Wyngrew cannot blacken the whole sky with the clouds they create, as even small clouds have a tendency to drift away and break apart shortly after they are formed. Strong natural wind currents when practicing outside can also be a hindrance, as it is difficult to calm the breeze AND form a cloud at the same time. Created clouds are also just as insubstantial as natural clouds...so no hopping on one and riding off into the sky.
Conjure Clouds

Air Manipulation
Cleanse the air of smoke or other impurities!
Prerequisite: Basic Wind
How to learn: Purifying air can take some great patience, as the user must be able to identify different gas elements in the air. Teachers usually go through the periodic table with students and describe the different gases in the air and how to detect them. This can be difficult, because they are odorless and invisible to the eye. However, once a student can magically sense the difference between oxygen and nitrogen, for example, they can begin to separate the two and even create pure oxygen for their fellow students. Teachers will also have students detect subtler gases as well, like argon or helium. The more gases a Wyngro can detect, the better they will be of ridding dangerous gases in the air later.
Usage: Purify air is a very important ability to have in dangerous situations when oxygen is limited or tainted. But this ability can be dangerous as well. History tells stories of assassins that would stealthily kill their targets simply by suffocating them by replacing oxygen with carbon dioxide. Wyngrew very proficient in this ability will often open “oxygen bars” in ritzy areas as well, and can make a very decent living off of this talent.

Limitations: This ability takes a lot more energy than you’d expect, and a Wyngro must concentrate to keep moving gases in the air. It is also very difficult to control gases that a Wyngro is unfamiliar with. Dangerous gases are the most difficult, as they are hard to obtain for practicing.

Earth Magic

Tunnel your way through earth and dirt!
Prerequisite: Basic Earth
How to learn: Wyngrew who enjoy moving dirt will likely excel with this ability! Most teachers usually start their students off with a pile of loose dirt to practice this ability with, as practicing actual underground tunneling can be very dangerous for beginners, and shifting compacted dirt can be difficult. A loose pile of dirt is easy to dig into, and shows exactly how well a Wyngro can keep the earth around them ‘steady’ instead of collapsing on them as they dig through.
Usage: Most often tunneling is used to assist in mining metals, gems, and ores. Some use a form of tunneling to help dig trenches or speed-plow farmer’s fields. (Or even to help build their own underground burrow!)
Limitations: The deeper a Wyngro tunnels, the harder it is to keep the earth around you from caving in. Most beginners can only tunnel very shallowly into the earth, only just deep enough to be underground with a foot or less of earth between them and the surface. Stone is nearly impossible to tunnel through even for experts, requiring other magical or physical means of digging through. Heavily forested areas are also a challenge to tunnel in, thanks to a higher density of roots in the way. Tunnels created by tunneling that aren’t quickly reinforced with beams or other means collapse behind the Wyngro that makes them. (Learning Wind magic to purify the air can really assist in tunneling!)

Warp wood to your will!
Prerequisite: Basic Earth
How to learn: Beginners to this skill are best advised to start practicing with more flexible wood (like a freshly-pruned tree branch) as opposed to dry wood (like a hunk of firewood). Warping bark without splintering it takes a lot of patience! Most beginners start off simply smoothing the rough bark down into a more polished-looking state, while the more ambitious can try to make a fancy walking stick or table leg!
Usage: Wood can be an effective but cheap armor, and with this skill an Earth Magic user can fit the wood perfectly to any Wyngro’s body shape. This is also a great skill for repairing wood furniture, window shutters, doors, you name it!

Wood Manipulation
Limitations: Turning a solid block of wood into a perfectly-polished carving is not only impractical, but extremely difficult. It’s far more efficient to manually carve the wood into the general desired shape before beginning to warp it and refine it. The older the wood is, the harder it can be to work with. Even Wood Manipulation experts often need the help of wood polish or sap to help mend or repair older woodworks.

Manipulate plant growth, speed and other attributes!
Prerequisite: Basic Earth
How to learn: This skill is best learned in warmer months when plants are naturally more inclined towards growth, or in a greenhouse. Teachers often choose vines for learning this skill, for their already fast-growing tendencies. The focus of classes is often to make plants grow at very specific angles, create simple shapes, or even a letter or two.
Usage: Many use this skill to create pretty personal gardens, help make walkable forest paths, or even make tree houses. Some experts have even used plant manipulation as a means of defense against enemies, bending tree branches to their will or allowing a tree to drop its fruit!
Plant Manipulation
Limitations: Beginners have better luck with smaller, faster growing plants. Plants can only grow so much before they reach their maximum potential and stop. Plants also cannot ‘ungrow’ to undo any mistakes a Wyngro may make. Some overenthusiastic Earth Magic users trying to make a tree with branches thick enough to support a large home may make the branches so thick that the tree will fall over from its own weight. So it does take some expertise to get it right!

Understand what nature is saying, what it feels.
Prerequisite: Basic Earth
How to learn: Patient Wyngrew who like to take things slow have the best luck when learning this skill for the first time. Plants don’t exactly communicate by “talking” like we do, but they do have subtle emotions and tell a story. Wyngrew learning this often start by being taken to a forest that has recently been tampered with, such as being harvest for wood, or maybe had a forest fire years ago. By looking at the signs, the smells and the feeling of an alive environment, a Wyngro can begin to put the pieces together and tell the story of what may have happened to a plant, or an entire forest.
Usage: Many Wyngrew use this ability to actually do detective work in order to find out what has happened under the watchful eye of nature. Others use this to make beautiful gardens and help take care of their environment solely. Some just love to talk to their plants and feel what they’re feeling! Some Wyngrew even become so obsessed in this ability that it drives them to despise urban communities and flee from it to go live with the plants they consider family.
Plant Communication

Limitations: A plant does not have the thinking capacity of an animal, and thus, a Wyngro may never pick out such detailed information such as “who was in this forest?” or “What should I do?” A tree will never offer advice, or talk to you literally, but they can feel pain and flourish with life just like us, so these feelings can be felt in very subtle ways. A Wyngro first learning about this ability can understand small things, such as detecting a fire had recently occurred, or if a plant is sick and dying, but it takes years of expertise to go into more detail.

Ice Magic

Lower Body Temperature
Enabling the body to hold the coldness of a corpse!
Prerequisites: Basic Wind & Water
How to learn: Wyngrew learn this Ice ability by sitting very still in a mild temperature environment and calming themselves to a state in which they can let any emotions go and lower their temperature to something that is cold to touch.
This ability is strengthened by lowering the room temperature and learning how to keep the body cold without shivering or creating heat, which is a natural reaction normally. (Basically the opposite of increasing body temperature)
Usage: In the past, Wyngrew have used this method to fake death in dire situations. Advanced knowledge of this ability can even allow the user to stop their own heart for a limited amount of time. But this is a very dangerous ability to practice in that way. This ability is most commonly used as a prerequisite to the “Total Immunity to Cold” ability. It helps the user get used to the cold and use magic to control the environment enough to sustain it. This ability can actually be used as a way to cope with chilly days by lowering your body temperature and using it as a mask for the real cold. It can also be used to cool off a friend!
Limitations: New users of this ability should use in moderation, as going too far can cause a Wyngro to become very sick. Being able to stop their heart beating for any amount of time takes years and years of practice, and should be avoiding during beginning sessions or completely. A Wyngro can only use this ability for as long as their magical energy can hold out. Beginners usually can’t keep this up for more than an hour.

The ability to exhale frost from your breath!
Prerequisites: Basic Wind & Water
How to learn: Eating snow or frozen treats beforehand is a good way to help students begin learning this ability, helping Wyngrew get used to the chill on their tongues and something to aim for when focusing on their magic! Most beginners can’t do much more than giving a cold-breathed sigh, but with practice eventually the cold air will be enough to cause the very moisture in the air to freeze into bits of ice that drift away!
Usage: Ever get bored of waiting for your drink or hot soup to cool down enough to put in your mouth? No more! With breath frost, cooling steaming mugs and bowls will be child’s play.
Limitations: Breath Frost, like Fire Breath, is limited by how much a Wyngro can exhale at once, and doing this trick too often can make a Wyngro suffer effects of hyperventilation.

Frost Breath

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Prerequisites: Basic Wind & Water
How to learn: This ability is generally best learned in a cooler, damp environment or during a rainstorm. Because these conditions aren’t often easy to accomplish, teachers often teach this skill indoors for easier temperature control. Students are asked to use their water condensation skills to get enough moisture in the air before attempting to freeze the forming droplets into snow. This skill can be quite challenging, and most can only make a small handful of snow flurries or two before having to take a break.
Usage: Calling snow is a great way to amaze young Wynglings, and just generally have an entertaining way to cool off in the hotter months. However, those of a more bitter nature have been known to use this skill to create ‘late spring snowfalls’ to ruin crops of farmers they dislike.
Conjure Snow
Limitations: The hotter it is, the harder it is to make snow for any length of time. Even masters can only do a little on the hottest months, most preferring to just whip up extra snow for snowgros in winter for Wynglings or a small autumn storm for fun. Called snow storms only cover a very limited amount of space, usually a very small patch for most Wyngrew. Though some are talented enough to make a storm large enough to cover the space about the size of a whole small home!

Create a thin layer of ice to anything you touch!
How to learn: With the basics of freezing learned through calling snow, putting stronger freezing into practice takes more folks and a complete lack of emotion to be successful. Most students are given a plate with a thin layer of water in it to try to freeze over, to better see their magic in action. Most will only be able to make a thin layer of ice over the top of the shallow water at first, but with practice can freeze the entire plate.
Usage: Freezing fruits or berries into small treats is a common practice, along with freezing other quick-perishing food (like meat) to be stored and defrosted by a Wyngro with fire magic later. Some even use this magic as a form of art, creating temporary ice ‘drawings’ on walls. It’s also quite useful for giving someone the cold shoulder.
Freeze Objects

Limitations: This magic can only create a thin layer of ice, making it only useful for fully freezing small or chopped-up foods about two inches wide and thick (any larger and the food risks not being fully frozen through, leaving room for potential rot if the food is going to be stored for a long period of time). Though once a Wyngro has also mastered Advanced Ice Magic larger items can be frozen, though still only about the size of a large watermelon.

Lightning Magic

Conjure Static

Learn to discharge static!
Prerequisites: Basic Fire & Wind
How to learn: Wyngrew with a decent amount of body fluff will probably have a bit of an advantage learning this ability over other, less fluffy Wyngrew! Teachers often use a thick rug to help students generate a charge before shocking their fellow students in a mischievous game to get a feel for how ‘charging’ and ‘discharging’ electricity feel before challenging the students to try without the rug, using magic alone to create little zaps.
Usage: Zap your friends whenever you feel mischievous. Or use it as a deterrent to unwanted physical contact! Creating static can also interfere with radio frequencies and mess up electronic devices. Static is invisible (Unlike the example to the left) so it’s a very sneaky form of Lightning Magic.
Limitations: Static charges don’t offer a lot in terms of raw power/wattage generally speaking. Though once a Wyngro has mastered this skillfully they can make their body hold about as much charge as a low-charge taser (purely for self-defence of course). Easily excitable Wyngrew can accidentally ‘charge’ themselves up without meaning to, so those with more energetic personalities may find themselves accidentally giving their friends small zaps from time to time unintentionally!

Power the world around you!
Prerequisites: Basic Fire & Wind
How to learn: Most teachers have their students begin with a simple lightbulb, focus electricity into it and make the light glow. From there it’s just one step up to charge an empty glass cell with electricity, creating power cells! (The Wyngro version of batteries!)
Usage: Apart from keeping things lit, this ability can also be used to charge batteries for later use. In case of a blackout, it’s always handy to have a Wyngro knowledgeable in this ability around to serve as backup power, charging special glass tubes with magical electric power. (Called power zells!)
Limitations: Wyngrew using this ability have almost no fine control overpowering complex machines. Starting out, they usually are only able to charge small glass cells with lightning magic. Expect to get worn out if you’re constantly pouring your energy into objects though! This ability is the first big step towards more advanced lightning abilities, like powering and controlling machines!
Conjure Electricity

Pull metal towards you, or repel it!
Prerequisites: Basic Fire & Wind
How to learn: Small coins are generally best to begin practicing this skill with, as moving larger metal objects (even just silverware) can be challenging for those just starting out. Teachers generally have students ‘repel’ or ‘attract’ a coin lying on their desk, just moving it around as they can. Students usually make games of it, putting down a piece of paper with ‘goals’ or targets to get the coins onto while competing against other lightning students.
Usage: This skill can be very useful for grabbing workshop tools (which are usually made of metal), and other metal objects while tinkering away on stuff. This skill is generally prized by mechanics and inventors who love dealing with the creation of scientific and mechanical things. Though in battle this skill can also be used to slow down or ‘repel’ an armored opponent for a short time.
Limitations: Wyngrew can generally only ‘pull’ or ‘push’ metal objects of a weight they’d be able to physically lift themselves, and even then the object needs to be within about twenty yards of the Wyngro for them to be able to ‘pull’ it closer. And beginners must be wary when first learning, as they tend to pull all metallic objects to and from themselves when they begin to get stronger in the skill, not just one! It takes a lot of practice to be able to safely ‘attract’ one specific metal object in a room instead of all of them at once!
Conjure Electric Orbs

Create a concentrated ball of electrical energy!
Prerequisites: Basic Fire & Wind
How to learn: Feel the charges in the air, and focus on bringing them together! Students should remember what it felt like to discharge static and focus on bringing that power in instead of letting it out. Eventually, the electricity will start to ‘gather’ where it is focused. Wyngrew learning this ability can expect a long and frustrating time trying to get the charge to stay and build up instead of dissipating into the air!
Usage: Giving machinery a remote boost, shocking someone from across the room, or creating a very fancy lightshow. Given how hard it can be to concentrate and keep the lightning ball under control, this ability is popular with show-offs who want to demonstrate their magic mastery.

Limitations: Ball lightning will fizzle out quickly once it isn’t being actively sustained, so no keeping your house lit with lightning balls. (as cool as that would be) They can only be thrown a short distance before they disappear, depending on the amount of energy put into them and the skill of the Wyngro. The lightning also gets more unstable the larger the ball, so anything bigger than your head is going to be quite hard to sustain, and more likely to accidentally fly off and zap someone good...so be careful! Beginners should stick to balls that fit in the palm of their hand.

Light Magic

Mend wounds rapidly using light!
Prerequisites: Basic Water & Earth
How to Learn: Healing is the number one staple ability in Light Magic. If you can’t learn this one, then light magic may not be for you! Students start out on very small wounds and learn how to close them first. Teachers will often have a student prick a finger on a needle to begin closing it quickly themselves.
If a Wyngro has learned “Healing with Plants”, it’s the same sort of concept, but instead of concentrating on the abilities of the plant to heal the wound, they reach inside themselves to understand how the wound was created, and what the healing process will look like.
Teachers will often show students graphic images of wounds and use many real world demonstrations on how to understand the process before the students make any attempts themselves. Some will use a finger prick or other tiny injury purposefully inflicted, as immediate action is easiest for beginner healers.
Usage: Healing has a pretty obvious use, but beyond that, this ability is the stepping stone to learning how to become a Light Magic doctor! Healing any sort of injury is always useful, but it takes time to learn how to do it properly. Not fully knowing what you’re doing can result in making the wound worse off! So Light magic is studied and learned very, very carefully.
Light Healing
Limitations: As stated above, Healing through Light Magic can be quite a tricky thing to master, and most Healers tend to stick to one or two areas of expertise when it comes to healing wounds. Some specialize in removing old scars, others in healing burn scars, and still others in healing puncture wounds made to a specific area of the body.
Even with expertise, things still have a chance of going wrong! Beginners often have to study underneath more practiced healers in a specific field for a decent length of time to truly understand the process enough to do it on their own. And even then, Light doctors aren’t miracle workers: there will be times you come across someone who simply cannot be healed, be it because of the patient’s weakness in old age, young age, or the fact the wounds are simply too severe or extensive.

Create your own lightsource at will!
Prerequisites: Basic Water & Earth
How to learn: Teachers often use a dim room with mirrors and a single light source to reflect beams of light through the room for students to try and ‘grab’ the light off of. It is imperative a student understands how light alone, without heat from a flame, ‘feels’ before they can even begin to create Loomee-sized glows of their own.
Usage: Being able to create light without risking fire can be invaluable in areas full of flammable items such as libraries, storehouses, and firework shops! Plus having the convenience of light right at hand at all times can’t be beaten.
Limitations: A Wyngro can’t create much light when first learning, no more than a Loomee's wings. But most generally can create a candle to lantern-level lightsource once well practiced. Masters can create a blinding flash if need be, but not repeatedly or too often, and these created light sources usually have to stay close to the caster to continue functioning.
Conjure Light

Move objects with your mind!
Prerequisites: Basic Water & Earth
How to learn: Telekinesis is easy to learn but difficult to use. Students are often taught to focus very intensely on a small object. (A feather or something very light works well. Although some teachers will use heavier objects so they don’t accidentally use wind magic to move the object.)
Once the object has been concentrated on, Wyngrew must imagine it moving on its own first. A strong imagination actually helps to begin this ability, which realists may have trouble.
Usage: Moving objects without moving yourself is the perfect way to grab that drink or snack you set just out of reach without having to get up! Along with more practical uses like getting a stranded kite or toy off of a roof without endangering yourself, or getting things off of those shelves that are just too high!
Telekinesis is also wonderful for elegant movement throughout the air, and showing them off in a fancy fashion!
Limitations: Beginners can only lift objects that are quite close to where they are, and need to move themselves to initiate the levitation of items. (So it’s difficult to move things in secret)
Users of telekinesis are pretty limited to things without much weight. While they can be moved elegantly, they are limited to only lighter items.

Speak mind-to-mind with another Wyngro!
Prerequisites: Basic Water & Earth
How to learn: Light Magic students are usually paired off and given a deck of cards. They are tasked with taking turns “telling” one another which card they have hidden in their hand. Clear telepathy for beginners requires solid focus and concentration on exactly what the sending Wyngro wants to say. Otherwise, the words may not be sent to the other’s mind at all. Or worse: a Wyngro may accidentally “say” something they only intended to think to themselves, not to share with their classmate (ex: “Oh no, he’s hot”).
Usage: Being able to give someone else a secret message only they can hear can be extremely useful in situations where privacy or silence is necessary. Healers often use telepathy to privately break sensitive medical news or give more private religious counsel. It is also said that it’s very common for knights of Antova to use telepathy when spite hunting for stealth, or during interrogations of dangerous criminals.

Limitations: Telepathy only works when both Wyngrew look into one another’s eyes. Only Wyngrew that know light magic can use telepathy to project their words into another’s mind: when “Speaking” to a Wyngro that does not know light magic, the conversation is only one-way. Telepathy cannot be used to read another Wyngro’s thoughts or look into their mind.

Dark Magic

Dark magic? You do know it's banned, don't you? Shame on you for inquiring into such evil magic!
You should go brush up on the "Ban on Dark Magic" to understand why you should stay far away from this!